imho...North America, and to some extent western Europeans and our glut of XBOX360's is not who GSC sees as thier main customers. If you spend any time on the GSC forums you will quickly see that Eastern Europe is where it is at for them. That is who they identify with and who they make their games for and if we western types like them, great! That region of the world is filled with PC's, not consoles and I'm talking diehard, hardcore PC gamers. I wish some of you could have seen the cavalier attitude they took to even releasing COP in the U.S. If I remember correctly, they hadn't even started the english localization when they released in Russia, Ukraine and surrounding area. Certain people/moderators on the GSC forums very familiar with GSC's internal workings were quick to smack down U.S. customers who complained about getting the game so late by letting them know that we were a mere drop in the bucket as far as where the bulk of the sales of the Stalker series were concerned and to shut up and be glad we were getting it at all.
Probably a little of that was happiness in telling the American's they weren't as important as they thought they were but the message was clear.
I fully, fully expect that this is a PC game that will be ported to the 360 so they can see what the market holds for them.
I'm thinking Metro 2033ish type deal. Way better on the PC than the console and, even with piracy, I bet it sold better on the PC globally.