stability problem PIII700@1GHz on CUSL2


Junior Member
Sep 5, 2000
I'm having stability problem with my system when playing games and I also found that the ICS chip located near the dip switch is way toooo hot. I think my stability problem may be related to the heating up of this small chip. what is/are your suggestion(s)? what is a best h/s for ICS chip and how can I secure one on this small chip?

My system spec:

PIII700e@1008MHz on CUSL2 BIOS 1002 at 1.75v with ALPHA PAL35U, Geforce DDR 32MB(a 27CFM fan attached to the h/s), PC133 64MB CAS3 RAM, Seagate 8.2GB, SBlive Value!; case open at one side, and 2 extra case fans.

The problem is when I play need for speed or any good 3d game, my computer freezes after about 15minutes. I have tried core voltages from 1.75 - 1.85v but had the same problem. However, I can run 3DMark2000 without any problem at the above mentioned speed.

Idle temp. 29-33C CPU and 27-30C mobo. full load. 43C CPU and 32C mobo.

My system at 1035MHz @ 1.8v is also very stable in windows applications but no go for games.

Any suggestion/help is greatly appreciated. thanks


Golden Member
Apr 7, 2000
my p3-800@1000 can not run stable with 1002 bios, but with 1001.a bios it's run stable here, i did steihome for 14 hour and it's not crash, however with 1002 bios i got crash on my system!


Golden Member
Aug 23, 2000
your ram ram ram.. first off, freakin 64mb is not enough, get yourself 128, second, you're clocking it more than 133 fsb, check your RAM


Junior Member
Sep 5, 2000
Thank you very much for the information. I have tried BIOS 1001.a, 1002.007, 1003.002 and 1002 final(=1002.005)and had the same problem. So far the most stable BIOS for me is 1001.a which does not push back my agp 4x to 2x when overclocked. Can this stability probelm be solved by cooling my ICS chip or chaging the VIO voltage? Any idea about VIO voltage changing?????


Elite Member | For Sale/Trade
Jul 4, 2000
Atomicbomberman does have a point the 64megs is not enough to start with but also if its "Generic" PC133 it may not be stable for all apps... at 144fsb. The first thing I would do is upgrade the ram to some good Micron or Crucial PC133 cas2 stuff even though it might not run @cas2 144fsb it will for sure do cas3 at that speed... Your temps are real good so I dont think heat is an issue other than the PLL chip needing a small heatsink installed... (go to Radio Shack and check out their small heatsink collection...) Good Luck!


Golden Member
Jan 10, 2000
Are you also o/cing your video card? Then try lowering the o/c speed.

Again...get some more freaking "quality name brand" memories!


Jun 17, 2000
Forget all the wishful thinking and get some good ram.
I have same board, same cpu, but Corsair PC133 cas2 ram at 2,2,2 7/9 all the way up to 1050 @ fsb150.
Of course above 980 @ fsb140 the cusl2 downgrades agp and ram performance IF you allow SPD in bios. Have to choose manual and set 2,2,2 7/9 (some say they get 5/7)
I have found the 1003.002 beta bios to be solid and stable.

(btw.. I found the ICS chip to be VERY hot to the touch, so I put a heatsink on it. But I was already getting the above performance, and haven't noticed any difference)


Junior Member
Sep 5, 2000
Thanks guys for the advise. I will be getting good quality ram soon until then I have to be playing around with this setup.

NO, I am not overclocking my Geforce DDR but I put extra cooling on it too.

I wonder why the same ram can overclock with full stability in all the 3D games I have played on my previous setup in which I was using only a 600EB that cannot be overclocked much. I could go up to 675MHz(FSB=150 the maxium limit with the mobo)by using Abit VT6X4(via 694X chipset), same Geforce DDD 32MB, sblive value! ????? In that system I was using FSB 150 and right now I'm only using FSB 143 or 144! I cant figure out whether the instability comes from this Hyundai PC133 64MB CAS3 RAM or something else????

Your valuable suggestions are appreciated.


Jun 17, 2000
The answer is that the 815 chipset and all the motherboards made with it are very picky about quality ram. Some who think they can just upgrade the mobo and use all their old components CAN. But many find that the midrange ram from their old setup just doesn't cut it.


Junior Member
Sep 5, 2000
I found another error message while loading Deus EX and this might help you guys to give an answer to my instability problem.

The error message is as follows.

"General protection fault!

?History: FmallocWindows::Reallo<-101758F4 24 FArry<-Farray::Realloc<-12*2<-Fstring<< <-
FpropertyTag::Serialize TaggedProperty <-LoadStream<-[Count 0] <-Ustruct::Serialize TaggedPropeties <-[QuickLoadTitle?????.?so on

What might be the cause of this error??? The same type of erro message appears when i try to play UT. However I can play Quake III Arena, Need for speed Porche 2000 , Counter Strike for aobut half an hour before it freeze my system......



No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Back the processor down to 933 or 980 and run a quake3 botmatch and follow one of the bots, set frag=0, time=0 to run indefinately. Go to bed. If bots are still fightin in the morning then you're stable and can start creeping up the MHZ ladder. Repeat. Run prime95 in the background for added abuse.

At 143 you might be strething that RAM too far. Mine below can do 1050 well and run prime95, 3dmark2000 but freezes in games after 5-15 minutes. The only way I can get stable at 1015 is by uping the IO voltage to 3.6v

Then again the real answer is you're probably at the ropes of that 700.


ps - I've already tested my total system and it is stable at 155 FSB with an 866EB, so I know my problems are processor related. PS do the BX math boys, thats an AGP bus speed of 102MHZ!!!!