ST: The Strange New (gay) Worlds

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Senior member
Nov 6, 2013
1st let me say that I am a lifelong ST fan, and have nothing against alternative lifestyles (as long as those involved don't try to throw it in my face or try to make themselves out to be moar "special" than everyone else), but I'm just wondering why all the newest Star Trek series seem bent on being so PC, with all 3 of them making 1000% sure to include at least 1 (or more) hatchet-headed butch/bull/***/spaz queen/king characters....

It started with that fuggly-ass Disco-skuzz burnamhammr biotch from hell, and hasn't stopped yet..... bloo who anyone ????

Even the hottest friggin ST Babe ever (Seven/Annika) got turned into a lezzie, which I can live with cause she is STILL h.O.t. AF, but unfortunately she got hooked up with that raggy-assed, post-apocalyptic-looking crackhead skank-ho named Raffi....

Hopefully S3 of Picard will go back to being less about PC and more about galavanting through the universe, and SNW can drill it back a notch or 2....

Seriously though, w.t.f......

Your crude thoughts are crudely expressed, and unwelcome here.

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Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
If you want to engage in toxic, misogynistic, and homophobic fandom there is the whole Star Wars right over there is all I'm saying.


Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2005
So, I'm guessing you somehow missed all the PC that is ST. How did you manage that? Between the first interracial kiss on TV and years of commanding officers having sex with anything remotely human shaped being OK, I would've thought it impossible.

But more importantly, what doesn't qualify as a hatchet-headed butch/bull/***/spaz queen/king character? That seems so broad that even with Kirk and Riker boning their way through the entire galaxy, finding someone who you're not mad about would be a challenge.
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