SSD + 2 drives in Raid 1


Junior Member
May 13, 2011
I just purchased an ssd, and I successfully setup the drive last night with two other drives in RAID 1. I took a look, and noticed that the drive isn't in AHCI mode, but regular ol' IDE. From what I gather, trim isn't being used on the SSD, and as a result, I'm getting sub-standard performance. Anyways, is there a way to enable trim with my setup? I'd like to keep RAID enabled on my data drives for backup/redundancy purposes, but I'd like the benefits of trim as well.

If it isn't possible, I've heard the V+ has fairly aggressive garbage collection enabled on it... what kind of drawbacks am I incurring using GC vs trim?



Senior member
Mar 31, 2011
You don't need to be using AHCI for TRIM to be working. IDE will be fine, although whether or not IDE or AHCI gives the best performance seems to be motherboard/drive dependant. My old Vertex performed better on IDE, my Intel on AHCI.