D dieselstation Golden Member Feb 20, 2001 1,388 0 0 Jun 18, 2001 #1 holy shiznitz! those crazy japanese! http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/06/15/square.watermelon/index.html
holy shiznitz! those crazy japanese! http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/06/15/square.watermelon/index.html
D Danball1976 Member Apr 8, 2001 159 0 0 Jun 18, 2001 #5 Oh, and your forgetting something, in US prices, these are supposed to cost $80.
D Doggiedog Lifer Aug 17, 2000 12,780 5 81 Jun 18, 2001 #6 What do you mean 3 days late? These things have been out for years along with triangular watermelons and yellow watermelons.
What do you mean 3 days late? These things have been out for years along with triangular watermelons and yellow watermelons.
I IcemanJer Diamond Member Mar 9, 2001 4,307 0 0 Jun 18, 2001 #7 Too much watermelon will make you feel bloated.
T TimidOCer Golden Member Aug 28, 2000 1,903 0 0 Jun 18, 2001 #8 bah if they aRe anything like in the simpsons they will pop back to there normal shape and fall on the ground A true simpsons fann would know thaT homer has already gotten one of these.
bah if they aRe anything like in the simpsons they will pop back to there normal shape and fall on the ground A true simpsons fann would know thaT homer has already gotten one of these.
A AppleTalking Golden Member Dec 15, 2000 1,316 0 0 Jun 18, 2001 #9 Hey, TimidOCer I was just thinking about that!! If I remember correctly, they cost $150 when Homer bought one. Guess the price must have come down! Nick
Hey, TimidOCer I was just thinking about that!! If I remember correctly, they cost $150 when Homer bought one. Guess the price must have come down! Nick