I need to join three tables two of which have matching field I am using for that join and the last table has a field that matches that of the first joined table.
I can successfully join the first two table but can't seem to join the third. My query is below. Can anyone offer a suggestion as to why the join isn't working?
Tables and revelant fields
Athlete table
Fields: Ath_no, Team_no
Team table
Fields: Team_no
Entry table
Fields: Ath_no
I can successfully join the first two table but can't seem to join the third. My query is below. Can anyone offer a suggestion as to why the join isn't working?
SELECT Athlete.Ath_no, Athlete.Last_name, Athlete.First_name, Team.Team_abbr FROM Athlete INNER JOIN Team ON Team.Team_no=Athlete.Team_no INNER JOIN Entry ON Athlete.Ath_no=Entry.Ath_no
Tables and revelant fields
Athlete table
Fields: Ath_no, Team_no
Team table
Fields: Team_no
Entry table
Fields: Ath_no