Spring cleaning has turned into "Spring DECORATING and home furnishing!"


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hey all,

My wife and I need to do Spring cleaning this week. BAD. This place has really gone to pot since about the beginning of last Fall. We have had no time to really put any effort into the place, and we have been so buys with stuff, we constantly bring stuff in here, but it never goes out. Big mess. So, we planned to do our Spring cleaning this week. Well, as it turns out, Heather has finally (after about 2 1/2 years of living with me) begun to get the nesting urge.... So, we're furnishing/decorating our abode. We've always had lots of furniture...most of it really nice. --But there's been a few pieces of cheap-azz college-student-type chincy things here and there, and no real "theme." EVERYTHING matched....but there was nothing to it. Well, all that's done away with. Posters in poster frames being replaced with nice art in real frames, torchiere lamps being replaced with nice matching designer table lamps.... And my old faux-woodgrain particle-board end tables and coffee table (now blistered, chipped, scratched, and pieces of woodgrain torn off) has been reaplced with a beautiful set of wrought-iron and glass tables. New pillows, new cushions and throws on the couch, new alarm clock, and a beautiful lamp (antique platinum to match our new bedding) that replaces my old lamp I bought for $2.00 8 years ago at Salvation army and spray-painted so it wouldn't be brown... And next week, we're re-upholstering our antique dining room set! Oh, not to mention the new runners on the floor and the new additions of more of my art that has until this point been stored away in portfolios....

My checkbook.debit card is SMOKING, I'll tell you that much. Oh, the things we could have spent that money on. --But when we get done, and get it all cleaned up......DAMN, this place is gonna be sweet. And, it feels REALLY GOOD to FINALLY have a woman's touch on the decor of this place. Stained wood and earthtones is nice and cozy and all, but it's really starting to look classy here. :)



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
This little guy right here.

Good little CD alarm clock. Actually sounds decent (you know, for ana alrm clock). And, the grey/silverish look of it matches our bedding and lamp (which sits right beside it on the bedside table)
