Spread Spectrum Clocking (SSC)


Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2000
I recently got a new Thecus N2100 NAS unit and 2 320 Gb Perpedicular Drives 7200.10 to go into for a RAID I

Well the set up goes well but the network setup fails...so I get on the horn with tech support and the guy says...

I think the seagate drives are SSC enabled out of the box, and our unit doesn't support SSC. You need to disable it.

Well to make a long story short...I don't have a SATA enabled board...and would have no way of doing the sets he requested in order to disable the SSC.

(the basic steps were to get a boot disc from seagate, set it to the first boot...then plug in the harddrive and do a process that disables SSC)

If I can't get it to work I will jsut have to RMA the drives back and get different ones that are compatible.


Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
The tech probably knows what he is talking about since it is most likely a common problem due to the high popularity of the Seagate drives. Aside from getting a SATA add-on card for your system, you are SOL. They are cheap though especially since you will probably wind up paying restock fees because the drives themselves are not defective.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
You can find PCI SATA controllers for under $20 shipped, that's probably your best bet.

Or find a friend that has a system with SATA, if you were local to me I'd do it for you - Odds are you can find someone willing to help you out.

I wouldn't RMA the drives, they're good drives at a great price + the restocking fee will hurt.

Viper GTS


Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2000
I know what you guys mean...I bit the bullet and am going to RMA them back and get different drives...the restocking fee is 30 bones...

pisses me off that there was no documentation about the drives not working...

I would like to dink around with a SATA add on board but I am not sure if the drives will work even after that...and I would be really pissed them :D

So I guess the safest bet at least in my eyes is to just return them and get different drives...learn from my mistakes !!!

I am pissed too because the drives were at a killer price and got awsome reviews...

Too bad I don't have a newer computer I would have definately used them on my personal rig...

Guess I will have to bug the wife to let me upgrade my board :D