Spontaneous computer shutdown, please help


Junior Member
Nov 22, 1999
For some reason my computer spontaneously loses power for no apparent reason. No errors or anything, the power just turns off. I built the computer recently (3 weeks ago) and it had been completely stable until a few days ago. The computer works fine almost all the time, but it turns off by itself. It seems to happen more when i play games, but it has happened when nothing was really running too. I think my power supply might be acting abnormally since i am not getting any crashes or errors but i am not sure. any suggestions before i buy another power supply? thanks
800 thunderbird
300watt atx (generic)
abit kt7
leadtek 32meg ddr


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2000
My computer use to do that too (Abit KA7-100)... couple things you can try:

1.) Upgrade to the latest bios for your motherboard if you havn't already.
2.) Try NOT to use the hpt370 ports on your motherboard... every time I try to use them (especially for RAID) my computer would reboot when I tried to run counter-strike... solution: switch your hard drives over to your regular IDE ports or use a promise card or something... and disable the futureata in the bios.

Hopefully this will help you out some.


Golden Member
Aug 19, 2000
Try disabling everything related to power management in both the bios and windows.

What're your CPU temperatures?

If they're ok, and the problem has nothing to do with heat, update the bios for your MB, download the latest drivers for your video card, check your device settings for conflicts. After that, time to suspect your PSU. :)