Speeding Ticket in Ohio - Do I have to sign it for it to be valid ?


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2002
South 315 to 71S in Columbus for the locals, it's a transition from 55 to 65 MPH zone (at 8 pm, few cars are going 55 on 315S, but whatever). I got tagged at 74 in 55 zone, which is on the slightly high side of reasonable for the traffic IMHO. Wrote down the vehicle year wrong 98 vs 97 (despite insurance card being correct)... nothing too out of the ordinary. In any event, the officer never had me sign the thing. I always hear of people saying they'll contest at signing, being upset that they had to sign, but no signature was asked for.

Was I speeding, yes. Will I pay $107 as asked (no points for below 75), I guess - but I want to know if showing up in court with this being unsigned (none of my handwriting on there and, legally, just the fact that I have the ticket in my hands to establish it was me) would this be an instant dismissal ?

To tell the truth, I thought freeways could only be patrolled by Sharriffs and the Highway Patrol, but what do I know.

For the curious, if you're caught speeding in a pack of speeding cars and you've got the red one, get ready to stop.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Just go and plead not guilty and see what happens.

If the judge says pay....pay it.

Signed or not, wrong year or not...doesn't really matter, does it?


Oct 9, 1999
No idea about the signature issue, but I can vouch for the red car curse. Mine cost me my license... TWICE!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2000
Originally posted by: conjur
Just go and plead not guilty and see what happens.

If the judge says pay....pay it.

Signed or not, wrong year or not...doesn't really matter, does it?

Yeah, it does. Singing it on the spot isn't overly imporant... but... if the cop doesn't have the date right on the ticket, its not valid. At least on Ontario. Time isn't as important..


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Ornery
No idea about the signature issue, but I can vouch for the red car curse. Mine cost me my license... TWICE!

That picture is hot in more ways than one.. :D


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Ornery
No idea about the signature issue, but I can vouch for the red car curse. Mine cost me my license... TWICE!



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
You're playing with fire here, you realize.

If you *really* want to go down this road, my strategy would be to not go to court, then let the ticket go to warrant, then when I get arrested say, "ticket? what ticket? I never got a ticket!"

When the city shows you their carbon copy of the ticket, claim that you were never given a ticket. Without your signature, they can't really argue otherwise.

Now... are you *sure* you want to play that game?

(Going to court with your copy of the ticket claiming it's not valid cuz you didn't sign it is only going to piss off the judge. Not a good idea.)


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2002
Originally posted by: Ornery
No idea about the signature issue, but I can vouch for the red car curse. Mine cost me my license... TWICE!

Nice GTO . That reminds me, I need to look up my buddy who had the green Tempest .

Noggin: Yeah, I have to admit, I hear what you're saying about denying I ever got it... while it _might_ work, any hassle associated with being arrested certainly is worse than a $107 check... maybe not so hot an idea. With no points associated, I might even skirt this one through the insurance co without too much issue.

Sigh, 1st speeding ticket I ever got. 23 yrs old and driving since 16.


Apr 5, 2002
I have a court date for a speeding ticket Thursday July 10th.... on S. High St. in Columbus :D I am contesting mine, mainly because I have lots of proof and stuff that I think I can get off on, and I have had 5 tickets, and I have not contested any of them... This time I know I was not speeding, so we'll see what happens.

As for getting off for not signing it.... I doubt the judge will let you off free for that. They are also not liable for incorrect info on the ticket. (I looked it up too)

Mine was a 75 in a 65.... (city police @sshat on 70E)


Oct 9, 1999
Good possibility they have the whole thing on video tape, isn't there ? A long time ago tickets had an explanation of what signing them meant. I haven't seen one in about 25 years. ;)

Whereabouts on 315 south ? I assume you mean down past Goodale before you get to i-70 ?

That's not a safe place to drive 75 mph IMHO. Neither is anywhere along 315 in town for that matter.

Slow down and enjoy life, neighbor.



Senior member
Nov 26, 1999
Originally posted by: ChefJoe
Was I speeding, yes. Will I pay $107 as asked (no points for below 75), I guess - but I want to know if showing up in court with this being unsigned (none of my handwriting on there and, legally, just the fact that I have the ticket in my hands to establish it was me) would this be an instant dismissal ?

No. I'm in the exact same boat as you, except it happened to me in Cleveland. I asked a Cleveland cop I know if it being unsigned was enough to get out of it.... and he said absolutely no way. He basically said the same thing I'm sure you have heard a hundred times, which is: I can contest it if I want to, at which time the judge will simply grant a continuance and reschedule the court date. Upon the arrival of the new court date, if the issueing cop doesn't show up, I get off clean, however if he DOES show up, I'll end up paying the ticket anyways.



Oct 9, 1999

Unless you got a lawyer, you might want to take the bus to court with 5 prior tickets. :evil:


Jan 28, 2000
The officer has probably documented that you received the ticket, so no signature on it is irrelevant. Failure to pay it for that will result in a warrant being issued on you. I have people all the time refuse to initial or sign the ticket so I simply write "Refused to Initial" on the ticket and in the narrative block on the back of the ticket write that the driver was beligerant and refused. My advice is, pay the ticket and be done with it. Either that, or go to court, plead guilty and hope that the judge grants leniency and doesn't make it a moving violation so that it won't get back to your insurance company.