Speakers for Asus Xonar Essence STX


Golden Member
Feb 25, 2011
save your money and buy something like the jbl lsr305 in the future


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2002
If you are looking to spend some money and get some great quality stuff then do some research, but if you are looking on a budget and want something cheap then I find it hard to go wrong with logitechs z313. It can be found for $39 in most box stores, and it creates an enjoyable sounds since the subwoofer (nothing to fancy, a mid sized speaker in a sub enclosure that is outputting low frequency audio) makes up for any low and mid range frequencies the cheapish satellite speakers are missing.

I picked up the z313 for a 32" tv in a bedroom as a friend of mine had picked up I think the 213 for her pc, and she was actually happy with their sound. They don't look anything special and the connection requirements (it has no input jacks, it has a permanent headphone jack cable that needs to be plugged into a soundcard jack) kinda stink but I was kinda impressed for just $39. It is hard to get a good pair of IEM at that price range. Considering the cheapest speaker bar with subwoofer I could find anywhere was $180, thumbs up on the cost.