Speaker Help: Z680 or JBL SCS150 w/ Receiver


Golden Member
Aug 9, 2000
I have been seriously considering making the leap to 5.1 speakers for YEARS. The thing that has kept me back is the great music quality it get on my Altec Lansing ATP3 speakers. I once made the leap to 5.1, but promptly returned the 100 dollar speakers due to their lackluster preformance in music.

I have concluded that if I want great sounding music as well as games and DVD's, I'll have to spend some serious bucks for a 5.1 setup.

For the same money (roughly) I could get Logitech Z680's, or this JBL SCS150 setup.

I have a decent 500 watt 5.1 receiver sitting around (That hot deal for the Sherwood RD-6108 receiver). Which would sound better all around? The JBL package or the Logitech. I assume the JBL since the Logitech has to include an amp in their price, however, since logitech probably sells tons more units than this JBL home theature system, it still could possibly be a better deal.

What do you guys think (Other than the fact that I'm nuts for considering spending 300 bucks on speakers)?



Diamond Member
Oct 24, 1999
Are you getting these for a computer or for a home entertainment system?

If you're using this as a home entertainment system, the JBLs might do a better job when combined with your dedicated receiver. However, Logitech's Z-680 is a very good choice for normal multimedia use. The sound is powerful and clear and all the various streams that it can decode are an added bonus.


Golden Member
Aug 9, 2000
I'm using it for my personal computer.

The receiver that I have does everything that the Logitechs do. And there is more watts per channel.

Has anyone heard the JBL setup? There is not a doubt the the Logitech setup is a good one... Just wondering if the JBL would be better.


May 14, 2001
I do not know the sound wquality of the JBL set up, but it seems very attractive. Personally, I'd probably go for the JBL, i'm not a big fan of logitech speakers.

Plus, if you go for logitech, u'll be left with a receiver collecting dust?

how about get both, use logitech with your comp, JBLw ith your TV in living room ;D


Golden Member
Aug 9, 2000
Lol ;)

I already have a great home theature setup in the living room. Otherwise I would have thought about it :)

So Jittos, you think the JBL would be the better option? I wish I could hear these two side by side, but I'm affraid that is impossible.