speak/soundcard help


Senior member
Dec 4, 2000
Awhile back i was stupid and i bought a set of Yamaha speakers (YSTMS50) link

i put those speakers on a computer that was using onboard sound. im getting a new computer soon and i want to get a soundcard but im not sure which one i should get. i put a SB live in my dads computer and it had 5 different plugs! if i got the same card for my new computer which one do i plug my speakers into now? (the YSTMS50 only has one cable connecting to the computer....:()


Senior member
Aug 26, 2000
not to be an a$$hole but reading the maual would help, or just looking at the outlets in the back. im assuming u got 1 "small jack" cable and a cable to a PS with ur speakers. Anyhow in the back of ur sb live there are 5 connectors. 1 for front sets of speakers, 1 for back, 1 for mic, 1 for the sub(i think), and 1 for Digital audio (whatever that is).....3 out of 5 have the same symbol, and it looks like an antena transmiting. Experiment with the ones in the middle (i know my speakers are hoocked up to the one of the outputs in the middle of the card - pink color) the neighboring outputs, blue to the right is for ur rear speakers, and the other one on the left of the pink one is for ur mic.