Awhile back i was stupid and i bought a set of Yamaha speakers (YSTMS50) link
i put those speakers on a computer that was using onboard sound. im getting a new computer soon and i want to get a soundcard but im not sure which one i should get. i put a SB live in my dads computer and it had 5 different plugs! if i got the same card for my new computer which one do i plug my speakers into now? (the YSTMS50 only has one cable connecting to the computer....
i put those speakers on a computer that was using onboard sound. im getting a new computer soon and i want to get a soundcard but im not sure which one i should get. i put a SB live in my dads computer and it had 5 different plugs! if i got the same card for my new computer which one do i plug my speakers into now? (the YSTMS50 only has one cable connecting to the computer....