SparklePower or Enhance PSU?


Senior member
Oct 15, 1999
I'm putting together a little upgrade for my dad and need a PSU in the 300-350 range. (The most intensive thing he'll use the machine for is watching dvd's). I'm looking at the Enhance ENP-0735 350W and the Sparkle FSP300-60BTVS 300W supply. Now, putting aside the fact that the Enhance puts out 50W more, is the enhance better in general? I've read that the enhance psu fans tend to be noisy. Should i just get him a 350 sparklepower? Just looking for some opinions...

Also, will i have any problems with either of these psu's in an inwin A500 midtower? that's his existing case and he wants to keep using it.

i should mention that the proc will be a 1500+ xp, on an 8kha+ mobo and a 512 crucial 2100 chip cas2.5, matrox 32mb g450, soundblaster live mp3 (up from a k6-2 300mhz with 168mb in simms and 8mb video). nice upgrade for tha old man?



Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Looking at AMD's AthlonXP recommended power-supply list, there's a 300W Enhance that's approved all the way to AthlonXP 2000+.

You should get rid of the A500 case if you're building an AthlonXP system. The power supply sits sideways over the CPU socket, which may limit your choice of heatsinks and will play tug-of-war with the fan on the CPU heatsink. Also, it has no auxiliary rear fan positions, and the one-piece cover is a pain compared to its brother, the S500, which fixes all of those problems. We had a small server at work that was in an A500 and the two hard drives were running at 110F+ due to the aimless ventilation characteristics of the A500. That's despite having an 80mm intake fan in the front. One hard drive died on the same day that we finally put the server's guts into an Antec SX1035B that we got down at CompUSA. Hmmm.

Actually, a good affordable solution would be to get an Enlight 7237 with the Enlight 340W power supply (also on AMD's recommended list) and just pick up a second case fan for the rear exhaust (it comes with one in the front included). It's very easy to nip the rear grillework out with a wire cutting plier and put a nice chromed grille on the 80mm exhaust. The holes in the bezel deserve to be drilled out to a bigger size for better flow, too.


Senior member
Dec 24, 2000
I'd say go with either the Sparkle powersupply or else just use the one that ships with an InWin case (Get the S500 that ships with the 300 watt p/s...from what Ive heard its the same as a Sparkle just under a different name). And if you cant find the S5xx series for a good price then just go with the Enlight. Its a great little case with some good cooling abilities stock, though it does feel more cramped than the Inwin


Senior member
May 5, 2000
Yes, the Powerman power supplies that InWin bundles with their cases are made by the same company...look at the model numbers and they're both FSP300, 350, 400-60XX. If he's getting an inwin case just have him get the one that includes a 300W power supply.

As others have said the Enlight 7237 is a great budget case for an Athlon/P4 system. :)
