Spam Question...

May 31, 2001
I do some work on a website/webstore now and then that caters to people seeking specific merchandise. One of the members stole the design of the existing site, and plundered the user database for e-mail addresses of people to spam about his new site and store. I know he is in the United States, and am positive that he is lying about everyone's e-mails being on a "list" he bought. I am sure due to the circumstances under which my e-mail for that site can be obtained. I get zero spam, except for his.

Basically, I want to contact his host/provider and get his rip-off site shut down for spamming, even if it's only temporarily. How can I go about doing this?


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2002
Run a WHOIS on the site to find out the ISP and it should turn up an email contact for abuse.

That, or talk to a lawyer about sending him a cease and desist letter type thing.


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 1999
Originally posted by: Ness
Run a WHOIS on the site to find out the ISP and it should turn up an email contact for abuse.

That, or talk to a lawyer about sending him a cease and desist letter type thing.

that is true but if the person was semi - smart, he would be sending the spam from somewhere else other then his own site/server. So it might be better to get a copy of the spam, and get the ip from the message headers instead...
May 31, 2001
I have all of the spams he has sent out so far, I will compare to see where they are originating from. Thanks for the information. :)