Anyone own one or use one?
basically, you soak the soy beans until they 'fatten' and before they turn into bean sprouts (which can be delicious like the normal mung bean sprouts).
then you put it into the machine which grinds them up while mixing with water and spits out the soy-milk while leaving the pulp (can also be used for cooking) inside.
you can not drink raw soy-milk or hilarity (diarrhea) ensues. cook on stove and then add real sugar to taste. (warm soy-milk is good with chinese baked sesame pastry)
the amount of water and cooking time can make or break the deliciousness of soy milk. i like this more than 'silk', because silk tastes like they're trying to make it too close to 'milk', probably with other additives too.
poor man's soy-milk machine is just a regular blender, with a cotton cloth used to separate pulp from the mixture.
to make tofu, you can add plaster of paris as a stabilizer into soy-milk. this is how it is commonly done. but i do not recommend this, since it is easier and cheaper to buy tofu from a korean store.