This is from Southwest.
To show our appreciation, we've created a special offer just for you. We're offering 15% off all fares that require an advance purchase of at least 3 days at - exclusively for select Rapid Rewards Members. To take advantage of this terrific offer, simply purchase your tickets at April 8 through April 21, 2003, for travel between April 11 and September 8, 2003.
you should check it out at a MILES.HOTDEALZ Communications website. Email me if you don't catch on
To show our appreciation, we've created a special offer just for you. We're offering 15% off all fares that require an advance purchase of at least 3 days at - exclusively for select Rapid Rewards Members. To take advantage of this terrific offer, simply purchase your tickets at April 8 through April 21, 2003, for travel between April 11 and September 8, 2003.
you should check it out at a MILES.HOTDEALZ Communications website. Email me if you don't catch on