Sound Solution


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
OK, I need a sound card, there is something about the onboard sound of my Abit IC7 that just sounds a bit flat. So am I off to Audigy land, or is there something better, or is it not gonna be any better? Thanks in advance guys.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Stern
Originally posted by: Kaiser__Sose
Audigy 2 zs

When I wanted a sound card (cause my integrated sound had too low volume) I bought an Audigy Gamer. However, now this card is obsolete.
If you want just more quality on audio out, you can buy the cheapest Audigy2 (I suppose the codecs are identical on all models). However, the more expensive versions have other outputs, which you might want now/appreciate later.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
Thanks guys, yeah I think I'll pick up the A2 ZS if I can scrape the extra dough. I was only thinking it'd cost me about 40 to 50 bucks, but yeah I think I like the ZS is probably worth it. I also guess I should mention that I am partially deaf (57%) so I have to really crank the volume to hear the detail in any music/game/DVD etc. So I bet this card can sustain the constant high volume?

Oh one more thing I am matching it with Logitech Z560s, this card won't be overkill for the speakers will it? They're nice but not as nice as the newer Logitechs that they've released.