Originally posted by: BeauJangles
Originally posted by: Atomic Playboy
The worst part is that people waste steroids on the most horrendously boring sport there is. Baseball... meh.
I want to start seeing people taking performance enhancing drugs in sports where you would never expect it. "Tiger Woods steps up to the tee... and look at that, a 700 yard drive! That's his low for the day, I wonder if this heat is starting to affect his swing..."
wait wait wait, you accuse baseball of being the most boring sport there is and then immediately think about... golf?
Athletes in every sport use performance enhancing drugs, it's not like baseball is some anomaly.
Anyway, it's no real surprise that Sosa tested positive. This list is going to haunt MLB until we here every last name off of it. Instead of letting them leak out one at a time, I'd rather they just preclude all the "anonymous sources" and release the whole damn list. The problem with that is that releasing the list violates the agreement that was in place about the drug tests. The real problem is that those idiots at one of the labs didn't destroy the table that associated player's names to the samples.