Sorry adeno...MODS...PLEASE LOCK


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Congrats on your next great milestone!


EDIT: Seems there are some people who would rather put down another DC project than to bolster the TeAm spirit. :(


May 30, 2002
*dons flame-proof suit*

Have any of you ever thought about putting your excess cpu power towards something more useful? Not this "Finding E.T." bullsh!t?

*backs away from thread slowly*

Other than that, congrats adeno!


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
This milestone almost coincided with your Seti Birthday. :D

:beer: :beer:


Golden Member
Nov 13, 2001
Congrats adeno!

note to excelsior: lets keep the congrats threads a celebration of a person's achievement, and not turn it into a questioning of motives/morals/righteousness .

And, yes I have thought about putting my machines on other projects, but without dreamers and those with a long view of life , where would we be?
I'm sure pragmatists urged thoreau to just settle down in town and make his pencils there, instead of at walden, and many probably urged Ben Franklin to just remain a printer, and nevermind all the independence hogwash, and electricity mumbo jumbo, and all the other "wastes of time" he pursued.
Maybe Mother theresa would have had a much better life if she had stayed in her home country and did something "useful" there at her home convent instead of traveling to India, but i'm glad she did.

Anyway, enough of the thread hijack,

Congrats again Adeno !!! :)



Senior member
Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: Smokeball
This milestone almost coincided with your Seti Birthday. :D

:beer: :beer:

Yep.. so close! :Q

But now, over 4 years with over 5000 WUs :D

Thanks again, everyone! :)


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Excelsior

<moronic drivel snipped>

Other than that, congrats adeno!

I usually tend to stay out of forum bickering (well, unless I venture into News and Politics) but I cannot hold my tongue.

4.6 million people would disagree with you. Besides, it's not as you so eloquently put it, bullsh!t. There have been achievements reached due to the SETI project, one of the most important being putting Distributed Computing on the map!

So, now, either edit your post or at least admit to being a callous moron.


May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Excelsior

<moronic drivel snipped>

Other than that, congrats adeno!

I usually tend to stay out of forum bickering (well, unless I venture into News and Politics) but I cannot hold my tongue.

4.6 million people would disagree with you. Besides, it's not as you so eloquently put it, bullsh!t. There have been achievements reached due to the SETI project, one of the most important being putting Distributed Computing on the map!

So, now, either edit your post or at least admit to being a callous moron.

Calling people names now; how mature
Oh yes, how could I forget, the majority is always right. If everyone does it, I should to. Ill give you the "putting Distributed Computing on the map" one, but other than that, how has it, or will it, contribute to society?


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Excelsior
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Excelsior

<moronic drivel snipped>

Other than that, congrats adeno!

I usually tend to stay out of forum bickering (well, unless I venture into News and Politics) but I cannot hold my tongue.

4.6 million people would disagree with you. Besides, it's not as you so eloquently put it, bullsh!t. There have been achievements reached due to the SETI project, one of the most important being putting Distributed Computing on the map!

So, now, either edit your post or at least admit to being a callous moron.

Calling people names now; how mature
Oh yes, how could I forget, the majority is always right. If everyone does it, I should to. Ill give you the "putting Distributed Computing on the map" one, but other than that, how has it, or will it, contribute to society?

Try doing some research on your own before summarily denouncing something. BTW, how do any of the other projects benefit society? SoB? RC-64? etc. You don't see anyone denouncing those, do you? No, because the majority of people up here respect ALL DC projects. Everything has a benefit whether it's tangible now or maybe not until some time in the future.

Main Entry: ig·no·rant
Pronunciation: 'ig-n(&-)r&nt
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors>


May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Excelsior
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Excelsior

<moronic drivel snipped>

Other than that, congrats adeno!

I usually tend to stay out of forum bickering (well, unless I venture into News and Politics) but I cannot hold my tongue.

4.6 million people would disagree with you. Besides, it's not as you so eloquently put it, bullsh!t. There have been achievements reached due to the SETI project, one of the most important being putting Distributed Computing on the map!

So, now, either edit your post or at least admit to being a callous moron.

Calling people names now; how mature
Oh yes, how could I forget, the majority is always right. If everyone does it, I should to. Ill give you the "putting Distributed Computing on the map" one, but other than that, how has it, or will it, contribute to society?

Try doing some research on your own before summarily denouncing something. BTW, how do any of the other projects benefit society? SoB? RC-64? etc. You don't see anyone denouncing those, do you? No, because the majority of people up here respect ALL DC projects. Everything has a benefit whether it's tangible now or maybe not until some time in the future.

Main Entry: ig·no·rant
Pronunciation: 'ig-n(&-)r&nt
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors>

Research on what? How useless Seti is, now that it has already made Distributed Computing popular? Folding to name one, and I never mentioned RC-64 or any other useless projects. Why not run this instead of Seti @ Home? Seti may have a benefit, years from now, when we are dead, but why would it matter then? Not to mention the fact that Seti turned it to such a competition people cheated. What good is that for the project itself? ITs not like more than half the crunchers even give a sh!t, although the same could be said for other projects as well.

Id rather you actually type out another paragaph yourself, besides copying a dictionary definition. You truly are a brilliant man. I had no idea what ignorance was until you, in all of your wisdom, showed me the definition.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Glad I enlightened you, then, since you're so quick to dismiss SETI I instantly surmised you, sir, are ignorant.


May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: conjur
Glad I enlightened you, then, since you're so quick to dismiss SETI I instantly surmised you, sir, are ignorant.

Why are you so quick to support it? You haven't given one reason why SETI is still worth a crap compared to F@H. You, sir, are obviously still attached to a waste of time, energy, and computer cycles.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Excelsior
Originally posted by: conjur
Glad I enlightened you, then, since you're so quick to dismiss SETI I instantly surmised you, sir, are ignorant.

Why are you so quick to support it? You haven't given one reason why SETI is still worth a crap compared to F@H. You, sir, are obviously still attached to a waste of time, energy, and computer cycles.

Sorry, I don't pander to the ignorant. Google is your friend (and perhaps your only one.)


May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Excelsior
Originally posted by: conjur
Glad I enlightened you, then, since you're so quick to dismiss SETI I instantly surmised you, sir, are ignorant.

Why are you so quick to support it? You haven't given one reason why SETI is still worth a crap compared to F@H. You, sir, are obviously still attached to a waste of time, energy, and computer cycles.

Sorry, I don't pander to the ignorant. Google is your friend (and perhaps your only one.)

You don't because you can't. You have no good reason to still run SETI, therefore you continue to make personal attacks. Google isn't quiet necessary in this situation, and assuming something about someone elses personal life...honestly, how old are you?