Sony PSP $119.99 Shipped from Dell


Jun 3, 2009
I went for the PSP3000 instead..much nicer screen, better battery life, more responsive controls.

Apply code 65g7rq11j?m2lh for 15% off. If you open a Dell preferred account, then choose "pay with credit card", a banner will pop up saying "Pay with DPA to save an additional 3%". My final total was $140 + tax..definitely worth an extra $20 for the new model.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
Originally posted by: Goldbug
much nicer screen, better battery life, more responsive controls.

After doing tons of research I can tell you that this is not necessarily true. While the 3000's screen is a lot more vivid, it's color reproduction is less accurate, and in fact more artificial. What's a lot worse is that many people have interlacing and scanlines issues. Battery life in real world scenarios is just about the same. When it comes to controls, it is true that the dpad is less wobbly, but it remains to be seen if this new dpad noticeably improves your control in games when compared to the 2000. When it comes to built in mic for skype, a headset can be had for cheap,(why would you want the person you're talking to to hear whatever is going on in the background anyway?) and the extra $20 can be used toward a nice memory card.

All that being said, I still might get the 3000, but I am strongly leaning toward the 2000 atm especially given the price which is so much lower than what these sell for USED on ebay.



Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2000
Hmm, wonder if I should sell my PSP 1000 and get this. It's still fetching pretty good prices.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2001
i wouldn't mind a nicely haxored version.

i need to play xvid/avi with 3-4 hours playback time (memory stick)
and games (free ones).

is a 1000 better to have?

also be child resistant to drops? how tuff are the psp


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
Originally posted by: Emulex
i wouldn't mind a nicely haxored version.

i need to play xvid/avi with 3-4 hours playback time (memory stick)
and games (free ones).

is a 1000 better to have?

also be child resistant to drops? how tuff are the psp

From what I heard, not tough at all. They are very prone to breaking when dropped. There are PSP enclosures for sale(not too expencive) and they make the PSP somewhat resistant to drops.

EDIT: Heh, sorry - somehow missed the other part of your question.

Not sure what you mean by the haxored version, but if you meant what I think you meant, you need to have a PSP 1000-2000 with a firmware not higher than 5.03. When you are buying a new PSP you are talking a gamble, because it MIGHT be updated to 5.50 out of the box then then you are SOA. Big time.

The PSP 3000 is a whole other animal. There is no good, fully functional custom firmware for it, and the one that recently became available has limited functionality and needs to be reloaded every time you turn your PSP off. so the idea is simple.... Haxxor? Get a PSP 1000-2000. Want a better looking screen, and don't care for hacks? Go for the 3000.


Senior member
Sep 24, 2000
I have also read complaints of the 3000 interlacing issues with the screen. I have no substantiated those claims but something to look at before the purchase. I think a 2000 is ideal.

Nice deal OP...


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Originally posted by: MAG1969
I have also read complaints of the 3000 interlacing issues with the screen. I have no substantiated those claims but something to look at before the purchase. I think a 2000 is ideal.

Nice deal OP...

I have a launch day 3000 and no complaints about interlacing. I think the screen looks great.

Also, mine is recently running an, ahem, alternate f/w version and it works great. It does need to be re-applied after shutting it off but I'm guessing they will have a more permanent version out shortly and it's really only a couple minutes to get it hooked up once you have all the files in place.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003
its more expensive now :(

I got mine in the mail and it was a PSP-2001 with serial number AB02XXXX (which means it is one of the non-hackable ones) was would not do a system update. Tried mutliple memory cards, and everything I could. Always got an error.

Dell is shipping me a replacement out overnight today.



Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
Oh thank god I didn't order. I had a feeling these units would be unhackable. Thank you for the info msi. Much appreciated.

I wonder if the 3000 units had firmware 5.03 or below.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: ibex333
Oh thank god I didn't order. I had a feeling these units would be unhackable. Thank you for the info msi. Much appreciated.

I wonder if the 3000 units had firmware 5.03 or below.

No 3000's are CFW'able. I believe all PSP's are now CFE'able though (including 5.50 FW).


Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: ibex333
Oh thank god I didn't order. I had a feeling these units would be unhackable. Thank you for the info msi. Much appreciated.

I wonder if the 3000 units had firmware 5.03 or below.

No 3000's are CFW'able. I believe all PSP's are now CFE'able though (including 5.50 FW).

Only the 1000 versions are hackable the easiest, and why they still fetch a bit, because you do not need a pandora batter or ANYTHING special for that 1st gen. As for screen, you can pick up a new updated screen for the 1000/2000 that way better then the oem in the V1 at DX for less then 40 bucks. Ghosting is almost all gone with my new screen I put in mine.



Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: ibex333
Oh thank god I didn't order. I had a feeling these units would be unhackable. Thank you for the info msi. Much appreciated.

I wonder if the 3000 units had firmware 5.03 or below.

No 3000's are CFW'able. I believe all PSP's are now CFE'able though (including 5.50 FW).

According to psp slim hacks website, only the 3000's with FW 5.03 or below are hackable.
There is a 5.50 CFW but it's ONLY compatible with older PSP 1000's and 2000's. The newest 2000's and 3000's are NOT hackable, and it remains to be seen if they ever will be.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003
Originally posted by: ibex333
Originally posted by: msi1337
this item is now only $109.99

If anyone buys one, please post firmware version.

I have received 2 and my friend elopes580 on here have both received models with firmware 4.02/ however, these are PSP-2001's with serial numbers AB02 indicating they are un-hackable with the TA-88v3 motherboard (at least without some stipulations..)