Sony PCG-TR3A - Niiiiiiice


Nov 7, 2004
I know alot of people aren't the most friendly when it comes to Sony, granted, I am usually not either.

But today, I was walking in my local Compusa, and I saw the open box cage, and here, I saw a Sony TR3A for 1299.00. So for cmoparision, I walk to the updat4ed model that only has 0.1 Ghz faster processor and xp pro, and I liked it, I liked it alot.

Then I saw the price tag of 2299.00, and I was like, hmmm, not too shabby. So I got on e-bay, and checked prices. 1600 is the average. So then I walk to the manager, tell him how I am in the military, and would like to buy a lappy to go to the desert with, and this would help alot since its such a small size, etc., after some haggling. I got him down to 1k.

DEAL, I bought it. I'm very happy with it now.

3.3 lbs, 10.4 WXGA screen - 1280.768. Already upgraded to 1 GB Ram, and it has the Pentium m 1.0 with the ultra low voltage. Battery life lasts on super saver up to 6 hours, 4 hours playing DVDs. I'm happy with it. Its small, I can load *nix on it (with some work) and it looks just freaking cool.

Picture of it under my 2 Dell 2001FP's and my axim for size reference :)


Golden Member
Aug 26, 2004
wow, you can HAGGLE with the manager???? I didn't know that....

Can someone PM me and tell me how to do that? I'd like to save $$ too ;)

Thanks! :D


Golden Member
Sep 3, 2003
very nice notebook. i have a sony notebook myself. i have to say they make the best looking, innovative notebooks around. but sometimes they're performance and support can be somewhat lacking.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2000
pretty bad ass...i always preferred the comparable fujitsu lifebooks (e.g. P7010-2), but the sony would be my close runner up.

didn't know they were that cheap...damn, when i bought my laptop last year in feb. the things were more expensive than a mofo.


Jan 18, 2005
You got a great deal on that machine. I worked at BB for a little while and trust me, haggling the manager can get you some great deals. One very dirty method I witness several hagglers use was buying the service plan or equivalent as part of the deal and then returning it the next day. The managers (at my BB anyhow) love nothing more than selling service plans and will do almost anything to get a machine out the door with one of those on it.