Sonata vs. Super lanboy


Oct 20, 2004
Just wondering from anyone who has had both, or owns both what they think of them. I'm torn between these two cases.

I like a sturdy case, but the sidepanel/blue light fan on the superlanboy doesnt turn me off either.

Does the Sonata scratach easily? And is it pretty heavy?

I have a Antec SX600 right now (old VAR case).. its a bit heavy, but really sturdy. I'm looking for something with front port audio/mic that looks slick.. these two are pretty cool..

but I havent seen the super lanboy in person, and I'm afraid it might look like it was designed by a hyperactive 14 year old in my living room.

edit- I'd like to get a 480watt Neopower or a Zippy (depending on what case I choose).. Neopower for the Lanboy (so the cables are gone from view), and Zippy for the Sonata..

unless a 380watt would power a 3000+ A64/6800GT?


Platinum Member
Apr 28, 2001
I have owned both, my opinion:

Sonata Pros: Heavy sturdy, quiet, removable air filter, 120mm quiet exhaust fan, great PSU
Sonata Cons: Heavy lifting, intake 120mm fan placement, Antec logo holes on both sides of case, fragile front door hinge (mine broke easily)

The Sonata will scratch and the front bezel is made entirely from plastic. If you use care you'll be in good shape.

Super Lanboy Pros: Beer can weight, quiet, unobstructed airflow, 2 quiet 120mm fans, side window. no inner cross bar
Super Lanboy Cons: Beer can sturdy, no intake filter, no drive rails for floppy or optical drives, no PSU (however, that was a pro for me)

I am am old guy, but I think the SLB is cool. It's not too gaudy, not overdone IMO. Besides, I wanted something a little more lively than the coffin-like Sonata. You can also remove the stock "push now" label on the SLB drawer easily and replace it with your own cool logo!

I replaced the Sonata with the SLB and have absolutely no regrets. I live in a hot climate and the SLB has great unobstructed airflow. I like the fact that I can check my fans without taking the door off too. It is lightweight to startout with but when you add the components, it sturdies up good. I popped an Antec 550 True Control in it and I am very happy overall. Honestly, I can't tell the difference soundwise between either.......Get the SLB especially if you are going to add a PSU, you won't regret it

m :)


Oct 20, 2004
Wow thats awesome man.. thank you much.

I was learning towards the Lanboy as well. You just sold me.

I dont want their PSU anyway that they include. I'm about the Neopower with the removable cables. Be really ncie with that window


Oct 20, 2004
also the front port audio ports look crappy on the sonata from newegg photos.. looks liek theirs black gaps behind them... granted, it has a cover.. but still.. a bit disappointing for someone like myself who will have headphones/mic plugged in their all the time


Platinum Member
Apr 28, 2001
I got in on the $39.99 SLB deal at CompUSA. Fry's also had it on sale before that. Watch for some possible good deals on the SLB as Antec releases there new line soon........

m :)


Oct 20, 2004
ya i knew about that one.. i'll pay full price tho, i dont care.

the nearest compusa from here is about 2 hours away and it killed the deal to drive.. and shipping was $15.. still a good deal.. but at the time i hadnt decided on the case. i did miss the frys deal though, their shipping was probably better.