The ps for my antec sonota makes a high pitched - but very quiet squeak when under load. Sounds a little like a fan belt on a car, when it is first starting to age(that high pitched sort of ticking sound). If I put my hand over the fan exhaust vent, it becomes unnoticable. I contacted Antec and they offered to rma it, but I am wondering if there is anything I can do? Also I wonder if this is normal for the Antec ps? Temps are 38cpu, 28mb. Fan speen for the ps is < 1600. Voltages are good. I have had this case for 6months, and just noticed it recently, but I also recently got a Zalman hsf and heatpipe.
Asus p4p800, p2.4c at 3.0, Kingston hyper x 3500, 256mb x 2 ( 2-2-2-5) 5/4 stepping.
I would like to run seti, but the squeak bothers me.
Any comments appreciated, thanks.
Asus p4p800, p2.4c at 3.0, Kingston hyper x 3500, 256mb x 2 ( 2-2-2-5) 5/4 stepping.
I would like to run seti, but the squeak bothers me.
Any comments appreciated, thanks.