<<Prove it.>>
That's an easy one, DRGrimm.
The verses quoted from are at Matthew 5:29-30. They are part of Jesus' famous "Sermon on the Mount" (of Olives) to a rather large crowd of Jews.
Reading further in Matthew 13:34, we learn that "All these these things Jesus spoke to the crowds by illustrations (or parables). Indeed without an illustration he would not speak to them;"
We have to remember, Jesus was speaking to fellow Jews. Jews - according to their Law of which Jesus was under - were even forbidden to mutilate their own flesh (Leviticus 19:28).
What Jesus was talking about was symbolic (how could your right hand or or your eye make you literally "stumble"?) showing by the importance of not letting ANYTHING interefere with one's spiritual goals.
Also, read the context; just before Jesus talks about the "eye" making one stumble, he is speaking of one that "keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her." He didn't recommend tearing both eyes out (because you could keep looking with the other eye).
It's clearly figurative language of an illustration.
EDIT: The Bible NEVER encouraged ANYONE to be eunichs. In fact the Jews did not allow castrated males (testicles or penis removed) to enter the congregation. The early Christians never forbade marrage among any of their congregation.