I worked a LOT of retail jobs over the years... so many times I get people not having ANY idea what processor/memory/etc is in their computer, and whether this newfangled 3D game is going to work or not.
Someone should make a simple, tiny program that tells the user what's in their system in a simple, concise format.
Processor: AMD / Intel - Pentium/Celeron/Duron/Dorito - speed in GHz and MHz
Memory in megabytes
3D video card make, model, perhaps a simple description of whether it is adequate or not - video memory in MB.
hard drive space / remaining
Windows version (yes, I'm serious.)
This way people could compare what this proggy says and compare it to the bottom of the box BEFORE they give it to Little Timmy to tear open then cry when it won't work on his Pentium 133.
Someone could really make a name for themselves if they make the util and a corresponding website.
... I'm not a programmer... couldn't wrap myself around COBOL so I had to drop the Programmer/Analyst course.
Someone should make a simple, tiny program that tells the user what's in their system in a simple, concise format.
Processor: AMD / Intel - Pentium/Celeron/Duron/Dorito - speed in GHz and MHz
Memory in megabytes
3D video card make, model, perhaps a simple description of whether it is adequate or not - video memory in MB.
hard drive space / remaining
Windows version (yes, I'm serious.)
This way people could compare what this proggy says and compare it to the bottom of the box BEFORE they give it to Little Timmy to tear open then cry when it won't work on his Pentium 133.
Someone could really make a name for themselves if they make the util and a corresponding website.
... I'm not a programmer... couldn't wrap myself around COBOL so I had to drop the Programmer/Analyst course.