So I go up to this bank teller, and she was filing her nails, while talking to who knows who, like I was the least thing on her mind. Finally she hung up, but at the same time, blew all the dust off her nails, which I just happened to be taking a breath of air, when this happened. It sent me into a coughing frenzy, and I almost collapsed. Finally, tapping her nails on the counter top, she askes me, what do you need? At that time I was pissed!
Your manager, might be a start!
Her: he's not in right now. Fine, I said. What is your last name, Anita? Her: why do you need to know? Me: I don't, actually.
I went to the next window, and made my transaction, all the while, glaring at her, over my shoulder.
I am going to so get her fired tomorrow! What a bitch. She has no business being in a customer service position, evar! :|
Your manager, might be a start!
Her: he's not in right now. Fine, I said. What is your last name, Anita? Her: why do you need to know? Me: I don't, actually.
I went to the next window, and made my transaction, all the while, glaring at her, over my shoulder.
I am going to so get her fired tomorrow! What a bitch. She has no business being in a customer service position, evar! :|