Some linux questions


Senior member
Sep 6, 2001
Im running wuftp and I want anonymous users to be able to upload to a directory but everytime I try it, it says permission denied. I have this line in my ftpaccess file which I thought would work:
upload /mnt/disk/ftp yes yes tom
I thought that this would allow uploads and that uploaded files would be owned by the user tom. Does anyone know why this isnt working? Also, I recently had to ditch my cdrom so now Im left with my cd-rw. I went to change fstab so that cdrom would point to the correct device but to my surprise my cd-rw was pointing to /dev/scsi. I thought that this was strange since I dont even have a scsi controller, let alone a drive. Is this normal?


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
SCSI emulation is required for IDE CDRWs to be written to, you can still get to it via /dev/hdX (where X is a,b,c or d depending on whether it's master or slave on the first or second controller) but /dev/scd0 is preferred while scsi emulation is enabled.

I don't remember exactly how to do what you want with wu-ftpd, but I do know to recommend against using it. It's probably the second most insecure server software out there, right behind IIS =) See if you can get ProFTPd installed, it's also got better documentation.