SOLVED!!! - Bed too hot when I sleep - Air-conditioned mattress?


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2006
SOLVED!!! I picked up an air mattress at Canadian Tire for $20 and the last 2 nights there little to no over buildup of heat and I had dramatically better sleep. Thanks for all the recommendations. Getting a good night's sleep is priceless, but in this case it was it was $20! It feels so great to fall asleep within minutes without tossing and turning and to not be tired in the morning. Hopefully this continues. Thanks again.


-I give off a lot of heat when I sleep
-mattress gets too hot
-fan works a bit but doesn't solve the problem of the heat between me and mattress
-think this might work and is worth $700?
-know of any other products that would help keep mattress cool?

Full version:

I've come to the realisation that almost all of my sleeping problems come from my mattress (and pillow) getting too hot. After looking around and doing a bit of research it seems that the populations is split into people who give off lots of heat at night and those who don't. Though I believe there are more people in the "don't give off lots of heat" category than there are people in the "gives off lots of heat" category. And it seems that there is a general trend that women mostly fall into the "don't give off lots of heat" category.

I fall into the "gives off lots of heat" category. For someone like me who gives off lots of heat at night, I have a hard time sleeping unless it's really cold in the room before going to bed. So I do everything I can to cool off my room before going to bed including leaving the door open, turning off my computer a couple hours before (source of heat) and removing my mini fridge from the room (source of heat), if I had a window I would open it, if I had an air-conditioner it would help a lot. However it's dawned on me that this is not the root source of the problem. The problem is fact that my body heat builds up very quickly directly into the mattress and pillow. At first when I lay down it's fine but within 20 minutes it quickly gets too hot, then I spend the rest of the night always shifting over to find a cool spot on the bed and rotating my pillow cause the other side is cooler. However after an hour or so this is futile because there are no longer any cool spots left on the bed, so I just can't sleep well.

So I started doing some research, and apparently a big culprit is pillow top mattresses. The pillow top readily absorbs heat and keeps it there, which is probably why most women love pillow top mattresses yet many men can't sleep on them, like when my mother bought a pillow top and loved it but my dad couldn't sleep on it, so they gave it to me and I couldn't sleep on it, so we gave it to my sister and she loved it. However the bed I'm currently on is not a pillow top, and I still have this problem.

No longer having the stress from school has helped a lot but it would be nice to sleep better and fall asleep more quickly. Sleeping without sheets doesn't solve the problem, cause the matress below me still gets really warm. A fan helps, but again it doesn't remove the heat between me and the mattress. Certain types of bed sheet materials like wool is supposed to help, and some people suggested having a spray bottle of water to spray yourself with when you get too hot, I've been trying this to some success, but really the thing I keep thinking would work best is .. an air-conditioned mattress!! Anyhow this seems like not something that many people have thought of, so it wasn't easy to find something like that. But I did find this:

It seems genius but it's expensive! It's just the layer on top and it costs as much as a mattress, it's expensive because it comes from Japan. and it's not actually air conditioned, just pulls the air away from under you, though that might be sufficient.

Anyone else have this problem and have found a solution? I am going to try and keep looking for other products like this, but there aren't many. What do you think? Is it worth it to spend $700 CA on this?

All suggestions appreciated!
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No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Window AC unit.
Silk sheets.
No blanket.

I'm a hot bastard too. Grew up in Minnesota. Cant sleep unless its 65.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
What kind of mattress do you have? If it's foam, that may explain the reason why your hot at night.

JM Aggie08

Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
You're ridiculous if you think the only way to cool down your bed is to pay $700...

Shed clothes
Frozen sheet?

I could go on.


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2006
You're ridiculous if you think the only way to cool down your bed is to pay $700...

Shed clothes
Frozen sheet?

I could go on.
I've tried all of the above. I sleep naked and I use a fan. Shedding clothes definitely helps but the fan doesn't not remove the heat between my body and the mattress. AC does help (though I don't have it at my current place). I appreciate the ideas and input though.


Mar 22, 2006
I don't know if it's possible to get them in the US, but when I was in China we used these bamboo mattress cover things. It wasn't bamboo fiber, it was actual pieces of wood - these were linked together, kind of like a chainmail for your bed (except with rectangular pieces of wood instead of chain links). I have no idea what they're called, though, and Google couldn't help me.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Could it be your diet? Try changing the things you eat around bed time. Some things(which I don't remember atm) make me overheat when I sleep.


Madame President
Aug 10, 2005
Waterbed will store a ton of coolth. That failing you can get a water chiller...

That's an air mattress. Air conditioning refers to using an apparatus to provide cooling below ambient temperature. Sure it's possible that whisking air through the mattress via small centrifugal fans will keep its skin fairly close to room temperature and keep YOU cooler. It's also quite expensive!


Feb 16, 2004
Waterbed will store a ton of coolth. That failing you can get a water chiller...

That's an air mattress. Air conditioning refers to using an apparatus to provide cooling below ambient temperature. Sure it's possible that whisking air through the mattress via small centrifugal fans will keep its skin fairly close to room temperature and keep YOU cooler. It's also quite expensive!

He could also try sleeping on a cheap camping style air mattress, they always suck the heat out of me. Would be a lot cheaper than a water bed too.


Jun 3, 2001
i have the same problem when i sleep. i keep a fan blasting on me (terrible for my dry eyes) and sleep with the window wide open even in the depths of canadian winters.

i really need it to be 55-60F to get a great sleep.. any higher and i'm just rolling. i have a/c in the summer but it can only manage to keep it at about 68F which i cant sleep in. i am not exaggerating when i say i dont really sleep all summer, every summer... :(


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2006
Could it be your diet? Try changing the things you eat around bed time. Some things(which I don't remember atm) make me overheat when I sleep.
This is a very good question lxskllr! What kinds of food do you notice cause this for you? Anybody else know anything about this? I've been wondering if metabolism might have something to do with it.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2002
Been thinking about the product linked in OP for a long time as I have the same problem a lot. I have a foam mattress myself and it reflect a lot of heat in the summer. Not really a problem now though :p

Could of sworn that product linked in OP used to be $399 or $500...


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
I've tried all of the above. I sleep naked and I use a fan. Shedding clothes definitely helps but the fan doesn't not remove the heat between my body and the mattress. AC does help (though I don't have it at my current place). I appreciate the ideas and input though.
You have a medical problem. An aerated mattress won't solve that.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
You have a medical problem. An aerated mattress won't solve that.
Ice cold shower, right before bedtime.
Also, my doctor once told me its OK to slap on some clinical strength anti-persperant right before bed.
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Nov 18, 2007
That's why in warm countries mattress aren't that popular. I've seen many fiber based bedding, kind of like a cot. These seem to allow air to vent through.
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Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
This is a very good question lxskllr! What kinds of food do you notice cause this for you? Anybody else know anything about this? I've been wondering if metabolism might have something to do with it.

I'm not sure tbh. I very seldom have sleeping problems, but I've noticed that if I feel a certain way after eating and going to bed, I'll likely wake up hot. It seems to me pizza might cause issues for me, and heavy milk products(ice cream, big glass of Ovaltine...). It's hard to say though because it's so infrequent.

Try paying attention to your body, and what it feels like after different meals, and activities. For some general advice, don't eat heavy meals before bed. Maybe try some light veggies or something like that for a snack.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
lol sleep beside some fruit slices and you can wake up to a dried fruit breakfast;)