3 things that should never be in the same sentance:
solid state,gigabyte,good priced
even if these become available what would stop them from pricing them higher than scsi?
and i have never heard (except in special marketing promotions) scsi refered to as good priced.
when computers are in the 8 ghz to 10 ghz then maybe these will become available at a resonable cost for the majority.
seriously the average computer user is still trying to make do with a p-3 or less or a thunderbird or less
if and when the average consumer is willing to shell out the money for the newer technology,and the market for these drives increase i doubt you will see a price drop within the next year.
that doesn't mean they won't come down in price as eventually everything does but only that good priced to you may be very different to someone else.
as usual this is my humble opinion