Software to convert JPEG into searcheable text


Golden Member
Nov 30, 2005
Well, here is the situation...

I am currently taking a class with an outdated edition of textbook required. One of the very few local libraries that still holds the title insists that the book can only be used in the library. Well, what I did is that I took pictures of the pages, but these images are in JPEG, I would love to have them converted into searchable text. Does anyone know the easiest way to do this?

I use a tablet PC, so i also want to know the best way to integrate these images into my annotations. Unfortunately, no OneNote, only windows Journal here.

Please pour me with suggestion.

Mark R

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Adobe acrobat should do this, or indeed, any OCR software.

However, I don't know how well it works with JPEG images. Most OCR software is meant to work with scanned lossless images, and the algorithms don't always transfer well to JPEG.

I would point out that taking photos of the book pages is piracy, and will be against the rules of the library. That the book is out-of-print is irrelevant. It may be possible to ask the library to photocopy selected parts of the book, while paying a small copyright fee, or you may be able to buy your own copy off amazon or ebay.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2003
Adobe acrobat should do this, or indeed, any OCR software.

However, I don't know how well it works with JPEG images. Most OCR software is meant to work with scanned lossless images, and the algorithms don't always transfer well to JPEG.

OCR doesn't have an issue with JPG so much as low resolution combined with heavy JPG compression - and for the purpose of this discussion and in this application, the photos of the pages are low resolution.

It may be possible to ask the library to photocopy selected parts of the book, while paying a small copyright fee, or you may be able to buy your own copy off amazon or ebay.
I second these suggestions.