So what's Trumps opinion on Israel?


Jan 12, 2005
There's a lot of noise generated around Trump so it's fairly hard to get a concrete opinion but he seems keen to distance himself from Israel (and the rest of the world).

I'd be interested to get your opinions as people in America about what he's going to do and what he should do there.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Sheldon Addleson shoveled about $3million+ at his feet, so I think Trump is gung-ho for Israel.


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2011
Not sure even Trump knows.
Here you go;

"Trump regularly cites Israeli policies that already divide the American Jewish community as being both successful and replicable for the United States. He cites “the [separation] wall” in Israel as an example of why the United States should build a wall with Mexico, and has repeatedly called for “taking out the families of terrorists,” one long step further from the Israeli policy of demolishing terrorists’ homes. Israel certainly wouldn’t gain reputationally from this emulation: As Ryan Lizza noted in the New Yorker after attending a Trump rally, “I had never previously been to a political event at which people cheered for the murder of women and children.”

"Trump’s new foreign policy approach is based on the United States making ‘good deals’ and getting “paid back” for protection or intervention abroad. This would end the U.S. “getting screwed over” by having to do the rest of the world’s work for them. It’s several steps away from the familiar American traditions of neoconservative or liberal interventionist policy. As part of this U.S. Interests First approach, he has regularly called for letting Putin, Assad and ISIS fight it out in Syria."

"Donald Trump likes to boast about his pro-Israel credentials. One of his favorite lines on the stump is, “I was even the grand marshal for the [NYC] Israeli [sic] Day Parade.” And if that doesn’t sell you, rest assured, he has “won so many awards from Israel” and has “so many friends from Israel.” He promises he “will be very good to Israel.”

"Trump claims the Bible as his favorite book, but can’t name a verse. So here’s a suggestion for him to get to know, from Proverbs: He who hates, disguises himself with his lips and harbors deceit in his heart; when he speaks graciously, believe him not."
read more:
Basically, echo chamber article.


Jan 12, 2005
Sheldon Addleson shoveled about $3million+ at his feet, so I think Trump is gung-ho for Israel.
I've not heard anything solid but people I know are feeling slightly uncomfortable about this.
I guess it's just an extension of his disengagement with being the World Police Force thing, but it'll certainly make the middle east even more "interesting" for a few decades to come.