So, we get to use one side of a typed page as notes for tomorrow's AP bio final.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2003
This being an AP class, i don't even know why we're getting a note sheet, but now that we have one, rockin.

I'm thinking that 8 font, tiny margins is the best way to go, but you guys are incredibly creative in most cases.

Got anything for me?


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2004
Originally posted by: Chraticn
This being an AP class, i don't even know why we're getting a note sheet, but now that we have one, rockin.

I'm thinking that 8 font, tiny margins is the best way to go, but you guys are incredibly creative in most cases.

Got anything for me?

they gave us an index card to write stuff down to use on the final.:(


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2001
My AP teachers blew off even giving us finals, because they considered the AP test the only thing worth preparing for.


Jun 13, 2003
Margins should be 1/16th of an inch, if your printer supports borderless. Use the smallest font you can read (print a test page)
Alternate every other line with a light blue background to make it easier to keep your eyes on the line.


Golden Member
Mar 14, 2001
back in hs I remember discovering note cards and test sheets are just hype

what really helps is associating the thing you learned to what you write on the card, and this is only done by rote memorization, understanding, and repetition

whats on the card should only serve as a reminder, so that just by glance it reminds you of what you already memorized

you can have drawn stick figures having sex instead of formulae and perform just as well if you associate it with the required knowledge


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Originally posted by: illustri
you can have drawn stick figures having sex instead of formulae and perform just as well if you associate it with the required knowledge

so instead of like.. y = mx + b, you'd have two stick figures drilling eachother?



Mar 19, 2001
Originally posted by: illustri
back in hs I remember discovering note cards and test sheets are just hype

what really helps is associating the thing you learned to what you write on the card, and this is only done by rote memorization, understanding, and repetition

whats on the card should only serve as a reminder, so that just by glance it reminds you of what you already memorized

you can have drawn stick figures having sex instead of formulae and perform just as well if you associate it with the required knowledge

You could probably fit a significant portion of the textbook on a single page if you used a micro font and a magnifying glass. It all depends on the time limit.

Depending on the prof. they'll either take it as ingenious or they'll not let you use the glass. :) You roll's the bones you takes your chances.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2003
Originally posted by: illustri
back in hs I remember discovering note cards and test sheets are just hype

what really helps is associating the thing you learned to what you write on the card, and this is only done by rote memorization, understanding, and repetition

whats on the card should only serve as a reminder, so that just by glance it reminds you of what you already memorized

you can have drawn stick figures having sex instead of formulae and perform just as well if you associate it with the required knowledge

I don't know about that...I'm feeling that I'll need this sheet for specific things about the Calvin Cycle, phyla, and mito/meio phases.


Golden Member
Mar 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Tremulant
Originally posted by: illustri
you can have drawn stick figures having sex instead of formulae and perform just as well if you associate it with the required knowledge

so instead of like.. y = mx + b, you'd have two stick figures drilling eachother?


if you have to write down the a linear eq for a straight line you might as well cut pictures out of playboy and paste it to your page

/since you wont be using your dextrous hand for writing correct answers might as well jerk off


Golden Member
Mar 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Chraticn
Originally posted by: illustri
back in hs I remember discovering note cards and test sheets are just hype

what really helps is associating the thing you learned to what you write on the card, and this is only done by rote memorization, understanding, and repetition

whats on the card should only serve as a reminder, so that just by glance it reminds you of what you already memorized

you can have drawn stick figures having sex instead of formulae and perform just as well if you associate it with the required knowledge

I don't know about that...I'm feeling that I'll need this sheet for specific things about the Calvin Cycle, phyla, and mito/meio phases.

you won't get notes on the ap


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2003
Originally posted by: illustri
Originally posted by: Chraticn
Originally posted by: illustri
back in hs I remember discovering note cards and test sheets are just hype

what really helps is associating the thing you learned to what you write on the card, and this is only done by rote memorization, understanding, and repetition

whats on the card should only serve as a reminder, so that just by glance it reminds you of what you already memorized

you can have drawn stick figures having sex instead of formulae and perform just as well if you associate it with the required knowledge

I don't know about that...I'm feeling that I'll need this sheet for specific things about the Calvin Cycle, phyla, and mito/meio phases.

you won't get notes on the ap

yeah, but the AP doesn't get this specific, either. They don't go into specific phylums and invertebrate classes and really in-depth stuff as much.


Platinum Member
Aug 14, 2004
Originally posted by: Siva
My AP teachers blew off even giving us finals, because they considered the AP test the only thing worth preparing for.

yah same here, however i got like 2's on all my tests because of this, lookin back tho i think its better that i get to retake the corses in college because it helps my gpa


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2000
< 8 pt font, little to no margins, underline key terms or new ideas. Whatever you do, use a laser printer!