So they're having a "what?" Tomorrow night?

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Feb 1, 2008
Yes kids. It's that time of the month, again (ladies, Donald made me say that).
Time of the month once again for that never ending tv reality show saga, WHO WANTS TO BE A PRESIDENT?
Donald is sharpening up his sneer.
Rand Paul will jell-0 up his, his, his, well whatever the hell Randy calls the thing on his head.
Carly once again to convince how being a three time loser is somehow a plus.
Christie to convince voters that his fat butt could actually fit in the Oval Office recliner.
Old uncle Ben scaring people into supporting him, or he'll mess with your brain. No really, he'll physically remove your brain.
And Ted Cruz, that an Evangelical Christian can actually come from Canada.
As if Ted would have a clue what an evangelical christian even looks like.
And last but not least. Ok... you caughg me. Last as well as least. Poor old shabby predictable Jeb Bush.
Jeb will be on stage as well. Holding his can of pencils, hoping someone, anyone, will buy just one.
Advice for Jeb, you might want to add a white cane and an old scruffy dog to your act.
That might do it... might. Just might.

So kids, here we go again. No avoiding it. Put out the cat and send the kids off to bed.
The returning performances from that we'll known realty tv show cast, WHO WANTS TO BE A PRESIDENT?
And the media?
They will have their usual guest appearance as well, to convince us that anyone really gives a crap.

Consider this the official thread for tomorrow nights republican de... de... de... de-thing?
Ps. Never say you haven't been warned.
...... ;)
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Jun 30, 2004
Yes kids. It's that time of the month, again (ladies, Donald made me say that).
Time of the month once again for that never ending tv reality show saga, WHO WANTS TO BE A PRESIDENT?
Donald is shariping up his sneer.
Rand Paul will jell-0 up his, his, his, well whatever the hell Randy calls the thing on his head.
Carly once again to convince how being a three time loser is somehow a plus.
Christie to convince voters that his fat butt could actually fit in the Oval Office recliner.
Old uncle Ben scaring people into supporting him, or he'll mess with your brain. No really, he'll physically remove your brain.
And Ted Cruz, that an Evangelical Christian can actually come from Canada.
As if Ted would have a clue what an evangelical christian even looks like.
And last but not least. Ok... you caughg me. Last as well as least. Poor old shabby predictable Jeb Bush.
Jeb will be on stage as well. Holding his can of pencils, hoping someone, anyone, will buy just one.
Advice for Jeb, you might want to add a white cane and an old scruffy dog to your act.
That might do it... might. Just might.

So kids, here we go again. No avoiding it. Put out the cat and send the kids off to bed.
The returning performances from that we'll known realty tv show cast, WHO WANTS TO BE A PRESIDENT?
And the media?
They will have their usual guest appearance as well, to convince us that anyone really gives a crap.

Consider this the official thread for tomorrow nights republican de... de... de... de-thing?
Ps. Never say you haven't been warned.
...... ;)

We-ull, Pil-grum! It ain't no Lincoln-Douglas debate. It even ain't the Kennedy-Nixon debate.

They won't discuss all the nation's problems. They'll only discuss the problems that play to their base, and its aversion to the other party with ITS list of problems and issues.

Thing is -- I'll DVR it with WMC. Because so far, they haven't been able to hold my attention for the duration of the broadcast. Or I just get so tired laughing or crying, I can't watch anymore. . .

. . . Ah . . . it almost looks like you've played "the Rice Card."


Jun 30, 2004
Will there be chair throwing?

I don't know. I think it should be laughable. . . . maybe.

I just saw a round-table with Anderson Cooper, including David Axelrod and a paid Trump campaign manager.

Axelrod was trying to explain today's meeting between the Pres and the JCS and agency heads. Suggesting that while it helps with Trump's base, the "muscular" talk about "what to do with ISIS" can only lead to O's successor doing the same thing.

The Trump representative started blathering about bombing the oil fields, bombing various buildings and neighborhoods to smithereens with civilian casualties. That Trump is a great manager and knows how to do it.

Axelrod began to ask if Trump had ever fought any wars, and continued with his argument that any more "muscular" approach will simply create bigger problems than it resolves. The Trump rep interrupted, wouldn't let Axelrod finish, continuing with the "gurrr-eat manager" talk.

Trump hires people who are more articulate than he. When they appear on the news, they're speaking to the rest of us, so they have to be "more articulate." Trump on the other hand -- speaks to his base.

And if you ask me, I don't know quite what to expect tomorrow night. I just know it's going to be a fiasco.

It isn't even 2016 yet, and I'm weary. Somebody -- please -- just send me my primary and general election ballots. I just want to get it all over with.


Feb 1, 2008
Donald is sharpening up his sneer

Got to admit I was right.
Was I right?
Donald's sneers were pure brilliance.
Brilliance, that is, for a three year old child.
The best ever. Far more than ever expected.
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