so me and my s.o. of 5 yrs got into a heated discussion (arguement) the other day (2weeks ago)
over about our future money managment plan
basically i said 50% of income goes into joint and 50% goes to personal savings
and therefore we both retain some sorta independence w/ our discretionary income
so i can buy more nvida 2billion gtmaxultra pro or daytrade/gamble it away and she can get her
2nd mink etc and
she disagreed and sum it up, sounding like an ultimatum "my money is your money" and viceversa
aka our monies
then she went ballistic and concluded with well i guess u're not ready to start a family
i said 'i guess you're rite, i'm not ready to start a family',exited the car and went back inside the house and defrag my C: drive (perfectdisk >>> diskeeper)
edit: 9 page article on love & money
over about our future money managment plan
basically i said 50% of income goes into joint and 50% goes to personal savings
and therefore we both retain some sorta independence w/ our discretionary income
so i can buy more nvida 2billion gtmaxultra pro or daytrade/gamble it away and she can get her
2nd mink etc and
she disagreed and sum it up, sounding like an ultimatum "my money is your money" and viceversa
aka our monies
then she went ballistic and concluded with well i guess u're not ready to start a family
i said 'i guess you're rite, i'm not ready to start a family',exited the car and went back inside the house and defrag my C: drive (perfectdisk >>> diskeeper)
edit: 9 page article on love & money