So....Should I wait? Or Hop on the Cyber Monday deals?


Junior Member
Nov 29, 2015
Its been a while since I have built a pc. I currently have an old I7 920 and a EVGA x58 SLI Motherboard

I want to upgrade my CPU and motherboard but haven't been in the "game" for a while so to speak so I want help from you enthusiasts. I have all my hardware overclocked as much as possible but my cpu is the bottleneck on my system currently.

every 5 years or so I will upgrade my mobo with cpu and get the best of the best. My question is, since cyber Monday is tomorrow, should I buy the best mobo and cpu or wait for intels next cpu? Is it the Skylake Refresh?

Money is sorta not the issue. Lets just say I dont want to buy any Intel Extreme CPUs. but I do want the K CPUs that are right below the Extreme models. I also want the best motherboard out there and don't want to have any issues with overclocking.

Really hope you guys can give me some solid advice on whether to wait for next years lineup from Intel or jump on the deals tomorrow and get a new mobo/cpu.


Dec 3, 2013
I know it has been said many times in the past, but...

I have a X5680 at 4.5 where my I7 920 used to be, you could probably OC a X5650 pretty easily for cheap and go Hexacore with what you have at the moment.

I even have a X5650 just on my HTPC.

The prices on some of the new boards and CPU's are starting to make that unrealistic though I'm sure, but just putting one of those in there as a second one would be a nice jump at least.
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Junior Member
Nov 29, 2015
I know it has been said many times in the past, but...

I have a X5680 where my I7 920 used to be, you could probably OC a X5650 pretty easily for cheap and go Hexacore with what you have at the moment.

I even have a X5650 just on my HTPC.

The prices on some of the new boards and CPU's are starting to make that unrealistic though I'm sure, but just putting one of those in there as a second one would be productive at least.

Thanks for the reply. At the moment I am ready to move forward with a new motherboard to take advantage of the upgraded PCIE gen and other tech. I have an SSD that is being slowed down by my current SATA speed so with the jump to a new motherboard, I am going to need a new CPU and want to get the best CPU I can get (minus the Intel Extreme models as those are just absurdly overpriced).


Dec 3, 2013
Might be a better idea at this point in time.

I have a pretty sprawling setup on the main with even a SATA 3 add in card for the SSD's and a separate RAID set up.

You're probably better off just going forward, I agree.

I was going to suggest a K myself, it's just a matter of finding a good deal on one and something like an ASROCK board to push it.

There have been several threads lately about it on here, I'm not that up on the current ones.

Still use an old ASUS P6T7 on my main.
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Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2012
Just buy it now if you want it now. What's the point of waiting? To get a better deal? How much cheaper would it get? Maybe $30 if you're lucky.


Junior Member
Nov 29, 2015
Well I want to buy now but I dont know what to buy now. that is why i am asking not only when, but what. For instance, if there is going to be a new top of the line intel CPU with new socket, I would just get setup.


Apr 27, 2000
Intel's next top-of-the-line CPU is Broadwell-E 10-core for LGA2011 v3 to be released in 2016. After that, it's Kabylake which doesn't look like a big upgrade (and doesn't really cover the HEDT platform anyway), though there will be a new 200-series chipset to go with it.

If you're seriously going to wait for anything, wait to see what Broadwell-E has to offer, since it will be on a platform that is roughly analogous to the one you have now. The HEDT platforms are the successors to LGA1366.