Ok, so it's midterm week, and one of my professors desides to have a huge take home online midterm with a 3 hour time limit. It takes me 33 minutes to complete it. Now I must admit, some of the questions that I got wrong I had no idea on, but there were a few (all of which were T/F) that I misread a word or didn't read a word. Like I'd skim the question and not see the word "not" or go over the word "always" and get the damn question wrong. Ok, I didn't bomb the test, got an 88% but I'm still ticked at myself because I could have probably gotten in the low 90s if I would have taken my time.
So, anyone else feel like they have to rush as fast as they can through a test? I mean, all through HS I was always the first one done with a test or quiz and would just wait for another person to hand theirs in first so I wasn't the first one walking up to the class room all the time...
Gah, now I can't sleep .
So, anyone else feel like they have to rush as fast as they can through a test? I mean, all through HS I was always the first one done with a test or quiz and would just wait for another person to hand theirs in first so I wasn't the first one walking up to the class room all the time...
Gah, now I can't sleep .