So my sister's ex comes over...*UPDATE*

So my sister's ex comes over (they are still on good terms) and hangs out with her for a bit in her room with another friend of hers. No big deal.. He then comes downstairs and just sits. I Do not know why, but he just sits there. My sister is up in her room and both my parents are sleeping (my mom knows he is over though.) I do not fully trust this person, and my sister seems unwilling to ask him to leave. Do I:
A) Offer him a beer :beer:
B) Make friendly conversation :)
C) Bring out the AK-47 and load it. :|
D) Make him beg for mercy :evil:
E) A, B, C, that order. :D

here is a nice little update. He is apparently staying the night in the basement. Why? I have no idea. I am not pleased, as the weapons are stored downstairs and I dont trust this character. (Not in plain view) I'm staying up until my dad gets now...this is crap. My mom said this was fine too! I respect her decision, but that does not mean I have to agree with it. She is going to get an earful from me tomorrow.

Originally posted by: kalster
Not Post on ATOT :D while hez still there

here is a nice little update. He is apparently staying the night in the basement. Why? I have no idea. I am not pleased, as the weapons are stored downstairs and I dont trust this character. (Not in plain view) I'm staying up until my dad gets now...this is crap. My mom said this was fine too! I respect her decision, but that does not mean I have to agree with it. She is going to get an earful from me tomorrow.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2000
why do u have to ask this? do atot'ers not have any social interaction outside of this thing called intranet

anyhow, offer him a drink and ask him wtf he's doing there.
Nov 21, 2003
apparently he still has feelings for your sister.. i mean i sure as hell wouldn;t spend the nite at my x;s place...not in the basement atleast


Sep 25, 2000
Originally posted by: XZeroII
Put a TON of salt in his beer.

woah woah woah..

what did the beer do to you? leave the poor defenseless beer alone.

NEVER ruin a beer... no matter who is gonna drink it.




Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Get him drunk. When he passes out have fun with a Magic Marker.

Originally posted by: Geekbabe
I'd say if your sister is comfortable enough to let him stay over that your opinion doesn't particularly matter.

See as how she is only 16 and is NOT comfortable, I'd say it does.


Platinum Member
Apr 7, 2003
Originally posted by: FallenHero
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
I'd say if your sister is comfortable enough to let him stay over that your opinion doesn't particularly matter.

See as how she is only 16 and is NOT comfortable, I'd say it does.

how old is HE? why is he staying? I wish my ex's brother would offer me a beer at 16..


Originally posted by: acemcmac
so how did it go? Im assuming this was last night... since its 2:00 now....

it went alright. Nothing bad happened as far as I can tell. I just cant trust that guy...who randomly stops by after they have moved away in the inner city, asks to spend the night and lies to my parents about my sister "knowing" he was coming over? Someone who is up to no good, thats what.