so my old asus finally pooed out...upgrade time!!


Jan 11, 2001
looking at upgrading motherboard, processor, memory, and video card (still using an old v3 3k). these are what I'm looking at now, any opinions are welcome and appreciated!

video: radeon 9500 pro - 9700 is too expensive and the 9500 will do just fine - ~$180

motherboard: asus a7v8x or a7n8x - not really sure which to go with...pros and cons anyone? - ~$110-120

processor: xp 2000+ - looks to be the processor before a big jump in price - ~$90

memory: corsair 512 pc3200 or 2700 - unsure of which to get, I've read that those boards I'm looking at can't handle the 3200 and there's even a performance drop with it. anyone? anyone? bueller? bueller? - ~$165, ~$140

I know some of these options have already been beat to a pulp, but please, indulge me :)


Senior member
Jul 10, 2000
not sure about what type mother boards you mentioned from the numbers but i would go for the nforce2 boards if those arent one. i have heard from so many sources that the nforce2 boards are the best out there.

as for the memory - ddr 3200 is a crap shoot for many motherboards, best idea is to look at the board and see what they say about support for them - alot of companies now are listing which brands they are supporting of ddr3200.

also if your going asus i would recomend you take a look at thier forums and see what they say about each board.

sorry i cant be of more help - currently have a p4


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
EPoX 8RDA+ deserves a look too, compare features and make your own call. $105 for the + version with Firewire and nVidia audio. Photo spread here may help answer what goodies it comes with.

THUGSROOK reports that his Corsair XMS3000 overclocks to approximately the same level as his XMS3500, and higher than his XMS3200, so that may be another one to consider.

With nForce2, or an 8RDA+ anyway, the idea is you would take your Tbred-B 2100+ (1.733GHz), and your fancy RAM, and then set the CPU and memory to run synchronously at whatever speed the RAM and motherboard can do, while lowering the multiplier on the CPU to keep its overall MHz under control. With aggressive cooling, people are getting 2.2GHz+ out of the 1.73GHz AthlonXP in the Thoroughbred-B version, check the CPU/Overclocking forum for the scoop there.


Jan 11, 2001
legionX: the a7n8x is the nforce2 board for those that don't know asus boards well. I've heard good things about the nforce2 boards as well :) asus says both boards will support ddr400 (pc3200), but I've seen that it's unverified, and like I said, even underperforms pc2700.

majewski9: where?? :p

mechBgon: I guess I'm just an asus fan, even if their customer support is thhhbbbtttt. I'm certainly not a big overclocker, actually, I've never done it. (it's been like 5 years since I've upgraded anyway) I'm just planning on going to get the retail cpu and use the fan/heatsink that comes with it.


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Ok, if you're not an overclocker then think over the Asus A7N266-VM. It won't OC, but has the nForce 220D chipset, onboard GF2MX video plus an AGP slot, nVidia 5.1 Soundstorm audio (RCA + optical digital-out), supports up to 2600+ (266MHz-based). I've got 19 of them at work, very nice little boards.

The A7N8X's will outperform it on a MHz-to-MHz basis, of course, along with more PCI slots (obviously) and USB 2.0. Plus you get support for the 333MHz CPUs. The Deluxe adds FireWire, nVidia Soundstorm audio, the Speech Reporter (wowie) and the second network jack, but at that point you're looking at twice the price of the A7N266-VM too. So kick it around. I wouldn't get the A7V8X considering how much more performance the A7N8X's offer: check these benchmarks out, with nF2 versus KT333 and KT400.


Jan 11, 2001
I'm pretty set on getting a better board because: 1) I have the money at the moment 2) I do want to have some expandability for the future (one never knows what'll happen) and 3) I'm intrested in getting into some oc'ing, just not hardcore :) I have to do more research on that side of things after I get the new parts and get it running. baby steps!


Jan 11, 2001
alright, final list of parts and prices (please, if you know of some where cheaper, let me know, I was kinda just getting it all from newegg except the mobo, that's from tcwo):

~ Epox 8RDA+ - $108

~ Sapphire Radeon 9500 pro, bulk - $180

~ Athlon XP 2100+ rev B, OEM - $95

~ Corsair 512mb PC3200 w/ heat spreader (ooooo) - $178

~ Thermalright SK-7 heatsink - $25 (for a piece of metal? *sigh*)

~ YST Adjustable 80mm - $8

~ HEC 350w power supply - $44 (I don't really wanna get this, but I don't think my ps now can handle this new stuff)

anything you hafta say, say it now, or forever hold your peace!

(thanks to mechBgon for following me and helping out where needed :), XBoxLPU for linking me to the cpu, and all the people who convinced me to go with the epox board)


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
(whisper) tcwo is out of 8RDA+ but mwave has them (/whisper)