So its 1:15 in the morning... just got done chasing a prowler....


Senior member
Feb 11, 2001
Okay I'm wide awake now so I'll let you guys on to what just happened at my house. About 12:45 AM my dog starts barking like crazy in my backyard. I looked out the window and didn't see anything. I figured it must be a cat or something. Then the phone rings and my mom answered it. A few minutes later the dog starts barking again, and then the phone rings. So I went upstairs to see what is going on. My mom met me half way up the steps and said we have a prowler. Looked out the front window and there he was! Some high school age kid. So I quickly turned off the alarm and opened the garage door.

After I squeezed under the garage door I saw him running away, a good house and a half distance in front of me. I started after him (barefooted). About 2 blocks I caught up with him... and to my surprise it was this guy my sister likes who was in town for the week. I was like "What the F#$K are you doing!?!?!" Then my sister comes running up, seems that she was chasing after both of us. My sister wanted to see him one last night before he left that afternoon. She begged with me not to tell on her.... I'm going to hold this one over her for a LONG time.

So here I am. 1:15 am and I'm so wide awake and I need to get up around 5:30 am.

How do you guys like that.


Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: TheOmegaCode
So your sister got a booty call?

Yeah and he let it go? uh...i woulda just told the guy to give me 20 bux (before ur sister got there) :)


Senior member
Feb 11, 2001
Originally posted by: TheOmegaCode
So your sister got a booty call?

No booty call. Her room is on the second floor, so unless the guy is spiderman..... Which I doubt because I'm out of shape and caught up to him. He was running so hard his shoes came flying off right before I got him!


Senior member
Feb 11, 2001
Originally posted by: chiwawa626
So uh...can i get ur sisters AIM ;) lol

Sure... but remember next time I shoot first, ask questions later..... all according to Sluggo

Okay my adernaline is coming down now... back to bed


Jan 15, 2001
Originally posted by: krwell
So here I am. 1:15 am and I'm so wide awake and I need to get up around 5:30 am.

How do you guys like that.

Obviously, you've never gotten a drunk phone call from your gf at 3am or she's never asked you to come pick her up in the middle of the night, and i wake up everyday @ 5 am.




Senior member
Dec 31, 2001
I "prowled" around my gf's house in HS once; I hid her christmas present in a shed they have in the backyard. Man, what an adrenaline rush! It was the middle of winter, northern minnesota, clear, moonlit sky (about 3-4 am, I think) I was so freaked out that I'd get caught or something. But it was fun doing "covert ops" - I even walked in the woods between houses so my footprints weren't obvious!

She was definitely surprised :)
Edit:: Surprised when I told her where to find the gift, I mean - I didn't get caught that night :)

But, these days... I don't think so. Too dangerous.


Golden Member
Feb 3, 2000
Originally posted by: krwell
Originally posted by: chiwawa626
So uh...can i get ur sisters AIM ;) lol

Sure... but remember next time I shoot first, ask questions later..... all according to Sluggo

Okay my adernaline is coming down now... back to bed

LOL, you guys are crazy.
krwell, may be you should thank the guy for some midnight execise. You might be able to get into shape just by chasing "prowlers" away.
If you had a baseball bat in your hand while you were chasing him, he might run faster. Hold the bat above your head and start yelling jibbrish while chasing him. Now that is a scene. :D
Jan 18, 2001
That guy must not be able to run very fast if he got caught by a barefooted dude despite a 100yard head start. I think your sister should date more physically fit boys.


Senior member
Feb 11, 2001
Originally posted by: yamahaXS
That guy must not be able to run very fast if he got caught by a barefooted dude despite a 100yard head start. I think your sister should date more physically fit boys.

Funny you say that, thats what I told her!