So is the P4b266 the best for OC'ing a 1.6A?


Junior Member
Feb 9, 2002
Just trolling ..

My current machine is an OC'ed 566 Celery to a bit over 707 (couldnt get to 850) which replaced my 300A@456

Time to upgrade!

I bought my processor 1.6A, Arctic Silver 3, an AVC Sun Flower (I know std is prob sufficient - but I got it for $19 shipped free), and some OCZ PC3000 ram and some rounded cables.

Now I need a mobo - the Asus seems to be the consensus... but there are strong cases for the Abit BD7 and Gigabytes offering.

Any reasons NOT to go for the P4B266? And has anyone seen them for sale with the onboard LAN and Audio? (No raid available I assume).


Dec 24, 2000
it might be but id be leary of a board that people can run at 1.6 what others have to run at 1.7 or higher.

so far a thing thats popped up is that once the fsb goes over 125fsb the systems wont restart and such


Dec 24, 2000

<< I'm going for the asus. That no reboot issue with the gigabyte troubles me. >>

trying to figure out why people want to reboot anyways?

and no reboot is better than no cpu :) ask the thug about his dead northwood on a Asus board


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
ok here is my opinion....

1) abit BD7???? Who is saying good things ocing wise about it? Reads anandtech's review and do a search for a couple reviews on other sites...nowhere near the best ocer...also rumored to possibly be having reboot issues

2)< trying to figure out why people want to reboot anyways?> strawberrymom, WTH are you talking about??? have you ever loaded software and it tells you you need to restart the program? If you don't do a complete shutdown or a successful restart you could have a failed installation...I have had it happen....

restarting a computer no matter what you tell yourself and others is an essential and expected thing...anything else is annoying and unstable in my opinion...

3) That being said asus is a great board, but for the price it is said it lacks the raid card ata133 like the MSI Ultra ARU. The ARU is cheaper by a few bucks and was reviewed as top ocer in anandtech's review. I haven't received mine yet but I have been in discussion with a few ppl who have it and they have ht 133fsb stable on their systems...


Senior member
Jan 6, 2002
The consensus over on Hardocp is that the Asus P4B266 without any extras does the best for overclocking. A number of the overclocking freaks on that forum have gone through three three or four boards and settled on P4B266, as it seems to reach stable speeds 100-150MHz higher than the Abit, Gigabyte, etc. It's fairly cheap too at $110-$120.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
Newegg has the new via boards with the 266a chipset, starting at only $92. The more expensive version comes with raid and premium sound.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
Imho go with the asus


go to =coming soon,phone support has been reported as rude and they dont support overclocking also i agree with>have you ever loaded software and it tells you you need to restart the program? If you don't do a complete shutdown or a successful restart you could have a failed installation...I have had it happen....
and as well i have had to reinstall the os to fix this before so yea i'd say it is a very valuable notation to stay away from gigabyte

msi = i have owned 3 msi boards. they are great but they aren't meant to overclock at least not in my opinion. they are stable solid performers and work flawlessly for me.

asus has always supported overclocking on their products and that seems to be the best difference
and reason to go asus. they are stable,solid performers.

as far as thugs processor i havent heard except secondhand that it did die and whos to say that it wasn't just a bad processor or a defect?
there is no documentation of any wrong doing by asus as yet so any claims are speculation and as such highly suspect.

and since we are talking bleeding edge than as such aren't there said risks involved?
but since there is no documentation let's wait and see if there is indeed a problem for them to be responsible for

my .02 worth


Junior Member
Feb 2, 2001
My ABIT SD7-533 runs my Northwood 2.0a@2.8Ghz (140fsb)with 1.62volts Vcore. Kingmax PC2700@175Mhz (DDR350 effectively!).My SisoftSandra#s(Not too shabby):
Drystone ALU: 5369
Whetstone FPU: 1464/3395
Interger iSSE2: 11007
Floating-Point iSSE2: 13575
RAM Int Buffered iSSE2 BW: 2569
RAM Float Buffered iSSE2 BW:2566


Junior Member
Feb 9, 2002
Hmm... looks like most people like the Asus best... I have seen good results from a number of posts on all varieties of MBs. All I really want is a solid STABLE overclock of my 1.6A. I don't care for on-board sound (I must have 4 cards laying around here...) or LAN (I have tons of those) - but it's nice as a bonus. I don't plan on running RAID - single points of failure disturb me... and striping was never worth the effort in my opinion... as for ATA 133 - seems to me just a novel idea that will soon be replaced...

I'm not looking to push max voltage and get crazy with cooling - I will do what I always do and upgrade in couple years (or less). If I can get my 1.6A up over 2.0 (seems pretty reasonable) I will be happy... let my geforce 3 TI500 do the rest of the work.

Meanwhile I don't even have any games that will stress my system to be.. better start looking :p


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Imho go with the asus


go to =coming soon, <snip>

Actually, I am the one that posted all the bad things about gigabyte support... but don't bash their website, it is quite good if you type in the right address. NOT

I still stand that the tech support sucks and that this one problem with the board is annoying but I am running 1.8 @ 2.4 with no problems except the funky shutdown thing.


Senior member
Jun 15, 2001
thanks bigj and markatthezone. looks like the MSI 645ultra will be the weapon of choice for any northwood systems i build in the next month or so.