So i broke my sister old ipod trying to fix it, kinda


Jul 14, 2005
My sisters 3G ipod was mine before I got my 5G, the problem with it was that the click wheel electronics got loose from the lexan front. So i opened the ipod for the 2nd time (1st time was to change the battery) long story short i broke the connector the hooks the head phone PCB to the main board. I did get the wheel working, but since the headphone pcb is broken its no good, and the cheapest one i could find was $50 :|

I plan on buying the new iPhone so Ill give my sister my 5g then, but I want to do the diyMod

both of these show how to get the DAC line out through the dock connector, i'm thinking of just drilling out the headphone jack and running a few wires out to 2 RCA female connectors

I will not be doing the soldering, I will be asking a dads friend to help me out
but would like to know what to ask him to do

since will not be using the dock connector for the output would i need to go though all of this or just this step:

Wasn't sure, but if this is in the wrong section please lock it or move it to the correct one, thanks

sorry 'bout teh grammers


Moved to appropriate forum - Moderator Rubycon



Sep 19, 2000
Humm, I was about to say you where in the wrong forum, but this seams somewhat appropriate (Playing with electrical circuits ect.) A mod will have to decide this one.

What exactly did you break off? I am having a hard time following where it is broken. Perhaps you could just resolder the connections from the broken PCB, or at least stuff a wire into there to connect to it.

I don't know if you could do the straight wires, you might need a capacitor or resistors in-between, Really don't know what to say. Is it worth the extra effort if you are just going to replace it anyways?


Jul 14, 2005
Originally posted by: Cogman
Humm, I was about to say you where in the wrong forum, but this seams somewhat appropriate (Playing with electrical circuits ect.) A mod will have to decide this one.

What exactly did you break off? I am having a hard time following where it is broken. Perhaps you could just resolder the connections from the broken PCB, or at least stuff a wire into there to connect to it.

I don't know if you could do the straight wires, you might need a capacitor or resistors in-between, Really don't know what to say. Is it worth the extra effort if you are just going to replace it anyways?

kinda, I want to use this as an excuse to get my sister a new ipod, and me an iPhone, as well as a better line out to my headphone amp, and \ or my home theater; Kinda have a dedicated ipod for my home theater

I broke the connection between the ribbon and the plastic connector male connector
The female connector is on the main board


Sep 19, 2000
Humm, well I would think that you should be able to just resolder the ribbon on, or at least take it off an connect each lead with wires. I don't think they are doing anything special in the ribbon other then allowing a path for electricity to flow.