I read the report...sounds like she is probably a hooker.
AUGUST 1--Perhaps the next time Shawn Ayers and Nicholas Declouette decide to get, um, frisky, they will not do it in the middle of the day. In a '88 Oldsmobile. Parked in front of an Indianapolis day care center. Ayers, 31, and Declouette, 43, were arrested on public indecency charges when the day care center's operator called cops after spotting the couple getting busy in public. As noted in the below Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department report, when Officer Eli McAllister responded to the scene, "I stood there for approximately two minutes, and they were so engrossed in their recreational activity that they did not notice me." Declouette explained that he had first met Ayers earlier that day and they had been "driving around town, until they found a nice shaded spot to have sex." He added that he was unaware that the chosen location was in front of Cookies Child Care. Declouette's car was impounded and delivered to the Last Chance Towing Lot. At the close of his report, McAllister reported that Ayers and Declouette claimed that they "were simply lonely and wanted to find a nice place to have some fun." (3 pages)