smoking hot!! Sears Appliance outlet store 50% off Refrigerator's


Jun 5, 2000
this at sears appliance outlet stores not at regular sears stores. Yesterday my sister got a $1500 fridge for 700 bucks. no idea how long its for the store here in denver opens at 10 and we will be down there.

**Edit. just called and the sale ends tomorrow 14 Nov. The sale is for side by side or bottom freezer fridges only, sorry no online site. Google sears appliance outlet stores to see if there is one in your area.



Senior member
Jan 22, 2005
do they have online site for the there outlet stores so u can at least check out prices? Also how long is this deal going on for.


Aug 24, 2004
Hmm.. my mom said she won't buy fridges from Sears because she'll only buy Whirpool, and they dont have that.


Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Xyclone
Hmm.. my mom said she won't buy fridges from Sears because she'll only buy Whirpool, and they dont have that.

Did you let her know that Whirlpool builds many appliances for sears?



Feb 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Xyclone
Hmm.. my mom said she won't buy fridges from Sears because she'll only buy Whirpool, and they dont have that.

My parents only buy Whirlpool, and they recently bought the fridge from Sears.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Many Kenmores are Whirlpool built. In fact they sell exactly the same models from both companies.


Nov 3, 2005
Originally posted by: aircooled
Originally posted by: Xyclone
Hmm.. my mom said she won't buy fridges from Sears because she'll only buy Whirpool, and they dont have that.

Did you let her know that Whirlpool builds many appliances for sears?

Aircooled is right. I worked for sears parts and service for 5 years. Whirlpool is division 46 source 106. Which means any item that comes from kitchen appliances with a source 106 is a whirlpool product.

Sears and model numbers.. A quick way to tell what you are buying...

I mentioned division 46 because that stands for kitchen appliances. Now the source. Sears breaks up each category into divisions and then their product lines (kenmore, craftsman, LXI, etc) into sources. If you pay attention to the model number you can tell who made the item originally.


Refrigerators from kenmore that have a model number starting with 106 are actually whirlpools.

Appliances Div. 46
106.xxxxxxxx is a whirlpool product.
363.xxxxxxxx is a GE Product
464.xxxxxxxx is a Maytag Product

lawn equipment Div. 71
247.xxxxxxx is actually a MTD product
917.xxxxxxx is actually a Poulan Product (Lawn mower, Tractor)
358.xxxxxxx is actually a Poulan Product (Weedeater, Blower)

Engines Div. 71
500.xxxxxxx Briggs and Straton
143.xxxxxxx Techumseh
501.xxxxxxx Kohler

Tools Div. 09
911.xxxxxxx Is a Dewalt product (also known as black and decker)

Vacuums Div. 22
106.xxxxxxx Whirlpool

There are a ton of other sources from every division. WAY too many for me to remember off the top of my head. I can try to get a list from my old unit later this month, its pretty interesting stuff when you find out who makes what.

There are alot of people who will say that kenmores and other sears branded items are made with inferior parts. Thats absolutely not true. The parts ordered for a whirlpool are exactly the same ordered for a kenmore. If you want to conduct a quick test. Go to a parts stor and ask for the Dog Agitators of a whirlpool Washer. Then ask for the same part on a Kenmore washer. You will find that they have the exact same bag and part number on them.

Anyhow.. I could write a 10 page post on buying parts, brand reliabilty etc. You learn alot working at a repair shop..



Senior member
Jul 12, 2001
What brands would you suggest for best quality, lowest repair rate?

Also I like side-by-side models but a repairman once told me they are more trouble because the cooling is LESS efficient. The most efficient design is supposedly freezer on top (thus the cooling sinks to frigerator below).



Jun 5, 2000
just got back and scored this fridge for $1,300 bucks. the only problem is its 1 inch wider than the one we have now, so while my wife and her friend who has a truck go back down to get it, ill be taking my cabinets off the wall and moving them over a couple of inches.


Nov 3, 2005
I use to get asked that all the time.. Which brand is the best?

Honestly, its all about luck. If you know about quality control you also know there are outliers in product production. For instance, we all know some one who bought a Sony TV that broke down on day 91 of their ownership. We also all know that one person who bought that fridge that never worked right. Its not that any one manufacturer purposely makes bad products.. Its just bad luck..

This does not mean no brand is better than another. It really depends on what you are going to buy. For example, If you want to buy a washer/dryer, I would suggest a Maytag. They tend to have a longer life span without problems. Some common problems on kemore/whirlpool washers are their direct drive coupler. Maytags use a belt driven system on their washers, this allows for the belt to slip when driving the transmission. A direct drive coupler is made of ruber and does absorb shock, but it tens to break down really fast if the washer is overloaded. Kenmore dryers commonly have problems with their safety thermostat/fuse. It is a safety feature that disables the heating coil if the temperature in the duct gets too hot. Basically meant to prevent fires. But its a pain for the average person to fix because they have no idea the part is broken. It is not a moving part and unless its is burnt through you will not know unless u have a multimeter to check for resisitance. Nine times out of ten, if the dryer works but does not blow hot air. its a thermostat/fuse. Maytags also use these parts. However, they tend to have a higher limit and their airflow is much better.

What about garage door openers? Welp Sears craftsman garage door openers are some of the best out there. They are the same as chamerlain. Here is a fun fact for you. With the exception of some newly released drive systems. The drive gear has been the same in these openers since 1984. there are some variations but the manufacturer has a solid design there. Average lifespan before repair of a garage door opener is 5 years. Thats not bad considering what it does.. But damn it we all know some one who had a garage door opener that only lasted 3 months.. and they replaced that gear 3 times already.. Its possible that its bad manufacturing. Bad luck is out there. Check the door springs on that garage door tho. I bet they are unbalanced.

So basically let me know what type of item you are looking to buy. I have an opinion on everything. but it is just that.. an opinion. We all know that person.. bad luck hehe
