Smoked 1.1g Thunder.... ouch.. don't try this at home..


Junior Member
Dec 22, 2000
I set up a super system...

Check Sig

could over clock this sucker nicely by fsb.. 110..processor at 1223, memory bus at 150!.. was Great!!! Then I decited to back off the fsb and do multiplyer overclocking so I did pencil trick.. set fsb back to 100. wouldn't over clock to 11.5x 100 = 1150???. errors and such on bootup(duel boot 98 and 2000).

When i went back in to redo the pencil trick.. oh.. using a globle win 38.. what else.heh. Noticed that some of the goop(the melted pad that came on it) was not between heatsink and processor but around the edge of processor. I cleaned it up and took a look at heat sink.. plenty of thermal gum left..

As i understand it you want a VERY thin layer between the processor and heat sink.. just enough to fill in the inperfections of the heatsink..

I clamped it back down on the m/board.. all ran fine.. like it did.. same overclocking abilitys. After a day I had a few lockups in a game or two and also just browsing the web in both opperation systems.. I figure time to clean off the pencil trick and forget about it. So off came the heat sink... what i saw pissed me off to no end.

It seams the residue of the thermal coumpount that spilled off the edge of the processor actually BURNED my chip! No wonder it was messing up! anyhow. .cleaned it up the best I could put the heatsink back on with like NO goop on it.. very little... reboot.. toast...yup I smell bad cookin

The moral of this story is.... DOn't use that stupid pad/goop.. if the compound get's off that chip the heat will transfer onto the wafer and burn the sucker
Am I am a wacko or the globle win38 has too much of goop it??

Anyone else have simular problems???

(Edit) spoke with vendor and it seams that it wasn't a pad really at all. It was more or less a square of some thermal substance that can conduct Electricity!. Be carefull with the stuff on that Globle 38. It isn't the first time this has happened. If you have a pinkish goo take some off!


Junior Member
Feb 2, 2000
Simple answer to this rhetorical question.

Factory gunk, you want a lot.

Thermal compound, you want a little.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

You're wrong to even ask for a replacement. You were overclocking and that's what lead to you removing the heatsink in the first place. I've been overclocking for about 16 years now and never lost a single chip... but if I had, it would be MY responsibility, NOT the vendor's. Own up to what you did and pay for the CPU yourself. Education is never free... you just paid a small price for a big lesson.

As far as the thermal pads go, they are basically one time use only. If you'd already gotten it to change state once, you should have cleaned it all off and either gotten another one or used some thermal grease. We have this whole WWW with which to research these things... perhaps you should try reading up on the pads before you use them again.

Just my NSHO.


Herr Yunta

Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Did it fry from the residue transfering heat to the ceramic substrate? That does not sound right. Are you sure you did not chip the edge of the die?


Mar 24, 2000
Its too late now but heres the scoop. PCTC aka thermal pads are really only good for 1 time use. The small amount that runs over the edge of the die is not the problem. Many hsf manufacturers sell exra pads. When the pad is new its about 5 thou thick. A 1.1 BIRD will heat this up pretty quickly and the Phase Change will occur. Since the consistency of the pad changes, when you reconnect it, its no longer flat and before the pressure of the clip can effect the compound again the chip overheats. Then you attach the hsf again with like no compound and it burns !!

If you have to remove/re-install hsf's, get Arctic Silver, your 1.1 gig chip deserves the best.


Elite Member Mobile Devices
Jan 25, 2000
DaddyG is right.

I also agree completely with what Netopia wrote.


Golden Member
Feb 7, 2000
Moral of the story is what I do:
Whenever I get a new Heatsink (I have Chrome Orb, Taisol and Fop38) one of the first things I do is to remove those lousy pads - To me this is an irritant and one more problem to deal with. The I clean it up with nail polish remover & rubbin alcohol until the shiny chrome or silver shows. I use arctic silver on my duron and silicone compound on my P3s since they do not heat up that much.


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2000
I dont think that could of got so hot as to burn your chip, something else is wrong...........