SMC Turbo 11/22Mbps Wireless Cable/DSL Broadband Router with FREE Wireless PC Card $59.99 Free Ship,After MIR Until 6/30


Golden Member
Dec 27, 1999
It is probably my fault but i am not happy with the range of my SMC 2404 Router. It is in the basement and I put a SMC PCI Card in my computer on the ground floor, but cannot get anything except "poor" connections. The computer upstairs is in the kitchen, on a Tile floor. The router is in the room directly below it and about 10 feet away through the floor. There is probably metal duct work between the two, but moving the router around does not seem to fix it if that is the problem. I have the antenna pointed "down" towards the router and the router's two antena pointed straight at the computer upstairs.


Golden Member
Dec 27, 1999
Driver for the PCI Card ? I have the most current firmware upgrade for the router that allegedly gets you 44Mb but I cannot tell that it works at 44. The PCI card from SMC is the 11/22 MB PCU Card and I did not see a firmware upgrade for it but have the most current drivers.