SMC 7004br router problem


Golden Member
Apr 17, 2001
I posted this in the networking as well but I haven't got a response so I'll post it here too.

My router is working fine the problem is basically that my win2K machine will not obtain an IP from the router. My other win98SE machine has no problem, it can connect to the internet just fine. When I type "ipconfig /renew" on the win2K machine it just sits there with a blinking cursor. When I restart the machine it starts up with a standard 169.... ip address and definetly does not connect to the router. The router light is on so I know that there is some kind of connection between the computer and the router but I'm definetly stumped as to what I should try next.



Oct 9, 1999
first off, is dhcp correctly configured on you comp? Try reinstalling tcp/ip. Also, check your cable. How exactly are you set up (ie, are you using a really long cable, are you close...). Another thing to try is the NIC, either try reinstalling it (move it to another pci slot while you're at it), or swap it out. The strangest thing w/ my network was i couldn't get my dad's comp to work.. i swapped nic's w/ mine, had them in the exact same places, and everything worked.... no clue why.