SMART failure predicted on hard disc 0


Golden Member
Aug 8, 2005
Hard drive failure may be imminent. Does anyone know if these warnings are accurate? I guess I need a new laptop hard drive.


Platinum Member
May 14, 2002
Only way to truly verify is to do an extensive test yourself where you record the SMART values, zero out the drive twice, then compare the SMART values again. It's too much work for most, so I usually just say to back up your most precious bits 1st. Then do either an image backup or backup the rest of your stuff. Then run the manufacturer's diagnosis utility. If it says the same thing, then RMA or replace it. If you're lucky the manufacturer's utility can remap new sectors to replace bad ones and your drive can be usable again so best of luck.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
At costs of today's hard drives do yourself a big favor and just replace it now. I replace all my drives by the 3rd year. I move them to usb enclosures or stick them in test boxes/donated computers.

That 40,000 hours drive thread has my head spinning. I have had drives last 7 years or more (stopped using them)...I have had drives die on or after the 3 year mark often.

Almost all of these are more or less the 8 hour a day or more setup. Recently I am putting my PC to sleep after 1 hour mostly due to the hot temps here rather than being 'green'. I turn my a/c up during the day my rig superheats my office making it still uncomfortable at 6-7pm when I am trying to bust out some bills/emails prior to dinner.

With my rig put to sleep my office is comfortable even mid afternoon without the A/C on at drives should last longer, but I am still going to replace them every 2-3 years.

I usually spend $50-70 on a drive and every 3 years quadruple my storage for the same money.


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2005
SMART was designed to seldom raise failse alarms. This also means it's not uncommon to have disks fail with no SMART warning at all.

If I had a SMART alarm, I'd replace the disk. While the current disk is working, cloning would be easy.


Golden Member
Aug 8, 2005
ok sounds like I am gonna just buy a new hdd, maybe a barely used one from this forum.