Small Windows XP problems I can't seem to fix (Send To Menu, Arranging Icons in File>Open)


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
1. Windows XP adds all my removable drives to the Send To Menu. I have a lot of removable drives and it is annoying. I can't seem to get rid of them.

2. When I go to File>Open, all items are organized by date instead of name. I have to manually arrange it by name every time. When I open Windows Explorer, it is arranged by name by default already. I don't know why the File>Open menu arranges it by date. It happens with every program except Microsoft Office apps AFAIK.


Golden Member
Dec 1, 2000
To keep the removable drives from appearing in the "right click context menu" under "send to", navigate to the "send to" folder where the shortcuts exist in "documents and settings" and change the attributes to "hidden" for the shortcuts to the items that you don't want to see.

Are you talking about viewing items in a folder? Fix Folder View Memory Loss


Senior member
Dec 10, 2003
from what I remember there are no shortcut for the drives
I remember asking the same thing else where
I'm pretty sure they're in the registry somewhere but I gave up the search


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Thanks for the replies.

Yeah, the drives don't show up in the SendTo folder. I tried looking in the registry, but found way too many ambiguous references to SendTo and gave up.

Regarding the sort problem, I searched harder and found many pages like this documenting the problem. The solution often given was to open Windows Explorer, change to detail view, then sort by name and hold Ctrl while closing the Window. I tried this in the past, but it doesn't work for Windows XP.

I just figured it out though. Instead of closing Windows Explorer and holding Ctrl, I went to Tools>Folder Options and applied the current view to all folders. Whew. I'm glad that issue is gone.