Taxpayers paid a defense contractor $733,000 for it. But for the 7,000 citizens of Munson, Iowa it is 'free.' No word on who gets the bill for maintenance and fuel.... small-town Iowa police officers are convinced that, any minute, the whole state could become engulfed in some Red Dawn-style conflict that would require the use of a device such as the MRAP...
As Radley Balko, the author of the book The Rise of the Warrior Cop, an expose of the police militarization of the last decade, found, in 2006 alone the Pentagon, distributed vehicles worth $15.4 million, aircraft worth $8.9 million, boats worth $6.7 million, weapons worth $1 million and other items worth $110.6 million to local police agencies.
The effects of cops moving from handguns to assault rifles and being equipped with tanks, bazookas, and Kevlar has been twofold. First, civil liberties have absolutely been eroded, with police-brutality rates skyrocketing in last decade according to the Justice Department. Not only that, but, with the influx of military gear into local police forces, cops begin to view themselves as soldiers whose main job is combat rather than keeping the peace. How else can you explain the rise in police shootings since 9/11?
But hey, the sheriff gets to ride around in a sweet new MRAP and pretend hes Rambo... --Daily Iowan
Small Iowa town police forces need armoured vehicles?
Whats your opinion?
Would you feel safer knowing that your town's police forces had armoured vehicles?
Or has small town Iowa just become more dangerous than I remember?